Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Sunday Hunt Finds...

We were away last week.  Greg, Olive and I took a nice ride down to Roanoke, Virginia, where we wandered around and saw things.  I have tons of photos from the trip…so what else is new??  But I haven’t had time to really look at them.  I thought I should pick out a few for Scavenger Hunt Sunday but I also had to reach into my archives for a couple.  Here they are:

Strike a Pose - Here's the pose that pug Olive strikes when she's trying to tell us it's her turn to drive:

Footwear - Someone is missing a pair of sneakers:

Hobby - I crochet when I'm not taking pictures:

Afghan complete with pug hairs.

Shiny - What's shinier than a Hot Dog King's crown?

Roanoke, Virginia
Color me green - Also found in Roanoke:


Debbie said...

oh these are wonderful!! happy to see you "got it together"!!

i think green was my favorite!!

Holly said...

Aw, love your pug!

TexWisGirl said...

olive is too cute! i think i'd hand her the keys...

Anonymous said...

Happiness might be its common theme. Great pictures, last one is my favourite.

Please have a good new week ahead.

daily athens photo

Ashley Sisk said...

What a great collection - love your first shot.

Christy said...

I love the pose. Dogs are so much fun.

stephanie g said...

Wow, great set!! I think my favorite are footwear and green! That door is so neat and I love all the colors on the brick wall.

Cedar said...

Love your hobby shot! Very colorful! Cute pose shot! Great set!

Love for Food and Photography said...

Bravo, like always your pictures tell us someghing special.
A cuddle to Olive and have a great week,

Tammy said...

Great interpretations. I love Olive's pose :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my fav is the pup pic, second fav is that green door. you done good.

Patrice said...

Great shots - I love your little pug!

BF said...

Look at that puppy! Favorite shot, but I'm a biased pug lover : )

Nicki said...

These are great - but I am smitten with your pug's pic - too too sweet. I also love the thrown shoes. I've never understood the practice - even though I've been told why people do it (or what it symbolizes) - none-the-less, I get a kick (no pun intended) every time I see a picture of it.

Diane AZ said...

I love your colorful afghan and your pug, of course!