Monday, March 26, 2012

Digging for barns…

I have been pretty busy the last few days.   Well, really ever since we came home from our vacation in St. John, I’ve been busy with stuff.  You know the way life gets.  So I haven’t had the opportunity to get out and shoot the way I would like to.  But I wanted to link up with Barn Charm today so I went digging.

These pics are from a ride I took out in the country here in Massachusetts about a month ago.  I have them so I might as well use them.  And I have high hopes that I will be out gathering new digital matter for next week so I don’t have to do any digging.

Of course, he's not a barn, but he sure is handsome.


TexWisGirl said...

very good finds. thanks for sharing! i've got to go on a barn tour, soon, as well!

James said...

Nice shots! I miss seeing barns on the side of the road.

Debbie said...

these are 2 real charmers, the second one is my favorite. i only share 1 barn at a time, so i never run out.

he is so handsome, i love his coloring and those floppy, bunny like ears!!

Pamela Gordon said...

Great barn photos. And of course, Mr. Goat is interesting looking too. I wonder what kind he is? I went digging for some great barns in my files for future posts too. Have a good week.

Carletta said...

I like the patina of the paint on the first one. The cows and fairly new looking grain silo suggest a working farm. I guess plastic was cheaper than new windows. :)
The second shot looks like someone may have begun to remodel it for a home. I'd like to think so.

Brian King said...

Love both of those barns, but I'm really liking the second one! And the goat is awesome! Great shots, Barb!

Linda said...

That 2nd one is interesting..wonder if someone really was going to turn it into a home? Or just practicing their siding skills?? Love the goat...he is very handsome!

Tanya Breese said...

ohhhh i really, really love that second one, and that goat was too cute to pass up on! stay busy, keeps you out of trouble!

Amy Burzese said...

Animals always make a photo better. Lovely farm. Thanks for sharing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the cows with the barn in the first shot, really really love the artistic look of the second and my heart is pounding with love for the Not a barn shot. he is beautiful.

Nancy said...

So love seeing livestock alongside these old barns. Give me hope that small U.S. farms are still thriving, although in truth, the numbers decline every year.

Love the billy goat!

Jan n Jer said...

Great barns....I cannot wait to get back to Pa. and capture some more barns. They are few n far between here in S.E Ga.

Judy said...

Love them and that goat is too cute.

Rose said...

If these are the results of digging, then I say dig any time you want. I really like both the barns and Love the goat!

Anonymous said...

Handsome, for sure! heheheee
Beautiful barns, of course, & thank you so much for your dedication to posting for Barn Charm, much appreciated! =)

genie said...

Well, your digging produced some fine shots. That first barn is really special because you can see by all the animals that it is a working barn. I am wondering what the tiny building between the silo and the big are is...and the plastic over the windows...that is unique. The second one looks like it way be on its way out. Like the ladder in the front. It really pulls in the eye. Then there is Mr. Goat with the goatee. He is a real specimen. What a fine series. genie

Kathy said...

I loved all three of these pictures. The first I found interesting because of the plastic covering the windows. The second I loved due to the colors. And the third, well, who doesn't love an old billy goat occasionally!

Nancy said...

Great shots. Love the billy goat. He's quite a handsome lad.

Mari said...

I love all three shots! The plastic covered windows are interesting, I love the look of the second one, an who wouldn't love that goat!

Elaine said...

I like both barns, but gotta say I like the photo of the goat best. He looks like he might be a watch goat, just daring you to come a little closer.

Betty Manousos said...

great finds!

i love those shots, and that barn is so charming, too!
thanks so much for sharing.

have a great day!


gingerbread stalker said...

wow that was amazing and wonderful to read! :)
i'm a big fan of your blog and if you could come to mine a leave a comment or two i'd be forever grateful! <3

Candy C. said...

Great barns, I'm glad you were able to share them this week! :) Love ol' Billy Goat too!

Stratoz said...

That is one cool goat

Elizabeth Edwards said...

the goat steals the show. too cute!! i will be linking up next week. missed out due to being in disney world. take care. (:

Nukke said...

It is interesting to see country life from other countries because it looks so different from Scandinavian farming. Charming, beautiful photos !!!!