Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A fine dusting...

I had to get up literally at the crack of dawn this morning to make my way into Worcester for a physical therapy session.  I would have loved to stay in bed for an hour or two more but as the sun was coming up, I saw that the little bit of snow that we got yesterday was hanging onto the shrubs and trees in a most attractive way.  So I decided to take my camera along with me.

As I passed our neighbor's house, I noticed a lone turkey making his way through the woods.  Lucky him for surviving Thanksgiving.  Of course, he probably knows that as long as he sticks around in the neighborhood, he will be safe.

On the way home from physical therapy, I decided to drive around a little to  check out some of our local places where I thought the snow might be nice and I came across this little bridge that someone decided to use as a message board to remind us that all we need is love.

I am a real sucker for that copper color of an old leftover oak leaf against the white.

So I moseyed on home.  I still wish I could have stayed in bed for another hour or two this morning, but if I had to get up, at least I got to enjoy the beauty of the fine dusting of snow that we got yesterday.  As I was enjoying my first cup of coffee finally, I took a glimpse out the window and saw this fine specimen posing so nicely.  

I hope you all had a good morning, too.


TexWisGirl said...

oh my goodness, that squirrel is a dumpling! too cute! and your snow on the trees is just beautiful. thanks for sharing it.

Pamela Gordon said...

I love your snowy pictures! The first snow is always so pretty the way it lays on the branches and doesn't quite cover the ground. I was up at 6:00 yesterday for a little day trip shopping and at 7:00 this morning for breakfast out with friends. I. am. so. tired. Maybe an afternoon nap is in order. :)

kat from ky. said...

Very lovely as usual! Kat from Ky.

Unknown said...

Me ha encantado excelente
exposición...,¡muy otoñal, hermosa
poesía visual!


RobertN said...

Gorgeous photos!

Nicki said...

When I spoke with my daughter in Wellesley 3 times yesterday - yep, busy phone day - she remarked that it was just starting to sprinkle some snow. I reminded her how fortunate she was last year avoiding the infamous Boston winters. The dusting of snow is just the perfect amount - lovely captures.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh that first photo is just stunning! And the last with the little squirrel adorable. sandie

Brian King said...

These are beautiful! The snow makes for a great backdrop! That has to be the Santa Claus of squirrels! LOL!

Unknown said...

Awful purty! We have not had any snow yet...just a small collection of those tiny mothball like things....your photos are so lovely!

barbara l. hale said...

Yes. Last winter was a freak in its own way, but there wasn't any snow to speak of after November 1. Glad she wasn't here the year before. That was a doozy of a winter.

barbara l. hale said...

I took one. Hope you managed.

MEcoy said...

that first shot seems like a painting,
just so lovely

Unknown said...

Those are beautiful. I'm not crazy about the snow anymore but love the way it looks still.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first one should be on a greeting card. all are beautiful

Anonymous said...

Your work continues to amaze !!!

Please have a good Friday.

Rose said...

I don't know where to begin...I really love that first shot. And I always love the copper colored leaves. But oh my, the lone turkey shot is just absolutely wonderful.

Laura said...

how lovely your snow photos are... oh and the message on the bridge!... and my goodness that squirrel is prepared for winter!

Laura said...

how lovely your snow photos are... oh and the message on the bridge!... and my goodness that squirrel is prepared for winter!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Barbara, the snow photos made getting up early, very worthwhile. We have only had a heavy frost here on the VA eastern shore and temps will be in the 60s next week. We keep thinking about how different the weather will be at this time of year when we finally relocate to NH.

Judy said...

The first photo, and the oak leaf are both just so wonderful!! I love both of them!! And the squirrel is cute!! I just keep reminding myself about all those dawns I slept through all summer, and what great photo ops I get now... But I still wish I had another hour of sleep...

Anonymous said...

What a round wittle squirrel, my goodness! heheheee Gotta be the roundest squirrel I've ever seen, he's got him/her self a stock pile of nuts & treats somewhere! heheheee

magda said...

Ooo Barbara
So wonderful photos!!!
The first is so beautiful!!!
Many kisses

H. Camerio said...

so lovely :)