Sunday, December 2, 2012

Scrounging around for the Scavenger Hunt...

I just took my last photo for this week's Scavenger Hunt about a half hour ago.  Nothing like putting things off til the last minute.  Here are this week's prompts:  missing, numbers, purple, music, bracelet.  And here are my entries:

Looking at this photo, you may wonder what is MISSING.  Well, about a year and a half ago, this hill was covered with trees and other foliage.  But the tornado that passed through the area on June 1, 2011, took care of all that.  The hill has been cleaned up but where are the trees?  They are MISSING.

My son proudly shows off the NUMBER panel on his new iPhone.

I want to know why they are called "red" onions.  To me, this onion looks pretty darn PURPLE.

These books contain the MUSIC that we sing in church on Sunday.

I am not a BRACELET person.  I really don't like the feel of things around my wrists, but this particular BRACELET came with a necklace I bought and I've never given it away.  Note to self:  ask Carrie if she wants this bracelet.



TexWisGirl said...

and carrie comments an emphatic 'yes!' :)

the hill does look a bit barren. and that's a pretty purple onion. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you did it again, these are awesome and the onion is purple, never thought about it, i buy them all the time, they are Bob's favorite.

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Love the onion.

Christine E-E said...

those beads are pretty ---- I know what you mean about putting stuff around your wrist. I can't wear rings for the same reason + my fingers are short & stubby (thanks Dad). nice set of photos! you aren't the only one to wait until the last minute.

Shaun said...

How you have the patience to collect photos for all these things is something that i could not do. Im too "happy snappy" for that.

Well done

Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Oh, I do so like "purple" great capture with that one.
And that bracelet is so pretty!

Stephanie said...

Great shot of the purple red onion and a nice processing jo on the hymn books.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful images for your photo hunt. It would be nice if someone could plant some trees back in the spot. Love the purple capture and the pretty bracelet. Have a lovely week ahead.

Brian King said...

Fantastic entries! I remember being rather proud of my new phone, too. :-)

Nicki said...

You did a very nice job collecting your pictures (happy so far with my new iPhone); pretty colors in the bracelet. I like your processing on the hymnals.

MEcoy said...

i love that first shot
and as well as that onion shot haha
our onions often being like that

RobertN said...

Beautiful post!
Have a great day!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, definitely a purple onion. :)

Deanna said...

so sorry about your barren sad when trees are destroyed, and I do agree about the "red" onion. I get purple all over my hands when slicing it. Terrific line-up this week.