Friday, June 7, 2013

Stone Walls and five random thoughts…

1)  On Tuesday, I went with the Photography Group of the Massasoit Art Guild to Moore State Park in Paxton, Massachusetts.  That’s where I took the photos that I am posting today.  I think that one of the most charming things about this area where I live is that one often comes across stone walls.  They meander here and there.  Even walking in the deep woods, you can come upon remnants of them from when the land used to be clear and farms were active.  We have one in our front yard marking our property line.  I don’t know how old the stone walls are in these photos.  They look to be very well maintained, but they are a nice link to the past.

2)  I think that if you have ever checked out my entries for Random 5 Friday, you would know why I was terribly unsuccessful at Twitter and had to close my account.  It made me very frustrated.  I just can’t seem to keep my entries short.  I talk too much.

3)  Yesterday was my husband Greg’s birthday, but we’ve been so busy lately with this and that, we are celebrating tonight.  I am making the usual strawberry rhubarb pie.  We are just not cake people and I got tired of throwing away leftover cakes over the years.  That hardly seems celebratory.  But there is never ever leftover pie to throw out.

4)  I’m cooking up a storm today.  Well, baking up a storm.  I also have a loaf of garlic chorizo bread going.  The garlic has to roast in the oven for an hour or so.   Pretty soon the house will smell like an Italian restaurant and I am going to want something to eat.  Last night I made a loaf of apple/blue cheese bread.  Contributions to a wine and cheese get together tonight.

5)  I’m counting down the days until we leave for Norway – June 12.  But I am still not sure what I am going to pack.  I have a vague idea.  I want to pack light but need to be prepared for different temperatures.  Fortunately, it doesn’t look like it will get below the 40s in any place we are so that is good.  I can stand that.  I actually like that.  Everything I read says to pack layers.  So that is what I am going to do when I figure it all out….  



TexWisGirl said...

i'm jealous of your stone fences. love them! here, even if there were enough stones to make them, the ground moves too much so they'd never last.

happy birthday to greg! agree - never leftover pie! ever!

Chatty Crone said...

Wish I was coming to your Italian dinner.


Lynn said...

we have just had chorizo pizza I think my hubby makes the besr, I love,chorizo and garlic bread, that I do. Happy Birthday to your husband and S and R pie isn't too difficult to love...My Paternal Grandfather and GM were from Norway..lucky you.

Pamela Gordon said...

Your stone fence photos are beautiful. They aren't that common around here. Some farmers just piled the stones in a pile in the field and are still visible today. You are going to Norway?? How exciting! Friends of mine went there last summer and her photos are amazing. You will love it! Better get packing. Enjoy the weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the stone fences and would love to stumble on one to take photos of... i to have a problem with short posts, i keep telling me to stop with all the pics and words, then i think, it is my blog i will do what i want. i write like i talk, non stop.
have fun in Norway... i love that big rock that looks like some one drove a tractor through to make a path to dump the rock there

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i have a problem rambling too ... nothing wrong with that. i find twitter tough too .. .because saying something very quick is just not in my nature. ha. ha!!

i'm excited about about your Norway trip too .. that is so close. don't forget your camera. so important. ( :

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love the photos! The stones are beautiful, and all that lush green--I just find forests so peaceful.

I hope your husband has a great birthday. The pie sounds delish. And so does your apple/blue cheese bread. Yum.

That's so exciting that you're traveling to Norway. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Lovely photos - and interesting to learn more about a blog friend.

LV said...

A very interesting place to spend quality time together. Do not see many stone fences anymore.

Jan n Jer said...

Nice stone walls....looks like a gorgeous place to visit! is going to be an awesome trip...cant wait to see the photos!

Unknown said...

Norway...I always wanted to go there...good for you! I bet you will have wonderful photo opportunities. We have stone walls here too including a very long and wide one on one side of the property...I'd rather go to Norway though LOL! Have a great time there! Very nicely done blog with comments as always ~

Deanna said...

Love those old stone fences...really a great photo op. Hmm, your breads sounds absolutely yummy. Wine, cheese and that June 12th...your time is counting down, you better start thinkin' about what you are packing. Oh what a fun trip is in store for you.

MEcoy said...

in my case I never came to like twitter haha
anyway happy birthday to your husband

and lasty I'm really a fan of your shots!

Nancy said...

So very few rocks to be found here in eastern Nebraska. What I do find, I take home.

Happy birthday to Greg and so jealous of your Norway trip!

Latane Barton said...

I am like you, too wordy for Twitter. So, that's where Blogger comes in! Right?

Have a wonderful trip to Norway. I am envious.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting hungry just reading about all the wonderful food and aromas you described!

diane said...

Wonderful shots ..... stone fences/walls are absolutely always photogenic!! Happy snapping! :-D

The Furry Gnome said...

Love your stone fences. We have wonderful stone fencerows here in the valley, some on our own place. The old farm to the west actually has dry stones walls, 5 feet high and 4 feet thick, 100 years old.

Furry Gnome

Sharon Wagner said...

My favorite is the top photo. A very nice place to meander.

Barb said...

Only 2 more days 'til you're on your way. Hope the birthday pie was delicious. I like your stone walls - I used to live in VT.