Friday, September 13, 2013

Fall is coming and other random stuff…

1)  The worst day this week was Wednesday.  It was terribly uncomfortable.  I had to get up early that day and when I went out with the dog, the hazy, hot and humid conditions that had already arrived made for some very nice visual effects.  I posted one of these pictures on Flickr and one of my contacts asked me if I had put in the rays using Photoshop.  Well, no, I didn’t.  The funny thing about that is I am not adept enough at Photoshop to do stuff like add rays in the woods.  I have to depend on Mother Nature.

2)  Walking around the other day in the heat and muggies, it was hard to believe that we are close to autumn here.  But looking around I saw evidence in the woods.  It seems like the little bits of red out there are indications that we are headed in the right direction.

3)  But this morning I got up and it was in the 60s and quite pleasant out.  The pond was flat and I managed to take advantage of that.

4)  Enough about the weather…  We are excited here that the Red Sox are doing so well.  We are big baseball fans and it has been just such fun to watch them this year after that fiasco of a year last year.

I know this picture has nothing to do with the Red Sox, but I like it anyhow.
5)  My last post about Olive, the pug, and the yard sale got some really lovely comments.  I appreciate it when people stop by.  But my old friend “Anonymous” left a comment that said point blank, “What an ugly dog!”  Can you believe that?  To me, that statement is akin to saying “What an ugly baby!”  All I can say to that is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Olive the pug is such a loveable little being that it is impossible for her to be ugly.  Anonymous’ mother must never have told him/her that if he/she didn’t have anything nice to say, then he/she should just shut the piehole!




TexWisGirl said...

how stinking cruel! big meanie! olive is adorable, even if always serious looking. :)

i don't allow anonymous comments on my site. never have. keeps spammers away - and apparently meanies, too.

olive, we love you and know the truth.

Nancy said...

Whenever I receive a less than complimentary comment, I just feel sorry for the person that left it. They must have no joy in their lives. Olive is about as sweet as a dog can be...

We had some foggy mornings here too a couple of days ago and nope, you just cant fake that good stuff. xo

Kerri Farley said...

Sending LOTS of LOVE to Olive!
What a sweetie!!!

Ida said...

Loved your post. Those rays shining through the trees are just glorious.
Such a peaceful water scene, a great capture of the dragonfly as well.
I cannot believe someone would call Olive, "ugly" Shame on them. I bet they'd really find our sweet cricket horrendous because not only is she a pug but she only has 3 legs. - Why do people have to be so nasty.
I think Olive is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Love the bug.
Love the pug.
Cuteness galore!

Debbie said...

Olive is the cutest dog EVER.... EVER I say!! It is so sad that anyone would write such a thing, mean people suck!!

With that taken care of, you images are's kinda sad that anyone would photoshop a picture to such an extent!! But with you, I always know I am getting the real deal!!

Have a happy weekend, you and that adorable pug!!

LisaS said...

Photoshop could never duplicate that first shot! Olive is so sweet and a little sad...just that "Aw, I wish somebody would just hug me!"


diane said...

Well, I'm thinking Olive is as cute as can be!
"WOW" to that first shot!!!!
The "muggies" are leaving us too.....thank goodness......I don't think I could take another day!

The A Team said...

I love pugs!! They are so adorable! Boo to whoever that was who said that. I love your pics. Stopping by from A Rural Journal:) You are my LU NB:)

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful photos! Love the sunburst one. Oh my. Why are people so rude and cruel? Olive is adorable. Enjoy the weekend! Hugs for Olive. :)

vertizoo said...

HA! Some people are only happy if they are the center of attention, even if it's negative attention they're drawing. I've had the very GREAT pleasure of meeting Olive in person and can assure Anon that, not only is Olive as cute as can be, I can confirm unequivocally that there is nothing funnier or more heart-warming than a wiggly, wriggly Olive moaning in rhapsody over having her back scratched!

kat from ky. said...

Why is it the meanies are always cowards? (anonymously?) I have a pupmance going long distantly with your Olive. Beautiful pics as usual. I love the quiet lake. Wednesday was horrid here too! (Thailand?) Beautiful today though.

kat from ky. said...

Why is it the meanies are always cowards? (anonymously?) I have a pupmance going long distantly with your Olive. Beautiful pics as usual. I love the quiet lake. Wednesday was horrid here too! (Thailand?) Beautiful today though.

Unknown said...

Oh my....are you even kidding me? I did have to laugh at what you wrote-not that anonomous said anything funny-i can't believe there are such ignorant, rude people out there. Your photos are so beautiful and please give Olive a scratch be hind her ears and let her know she is loved.

Deanna said...

Oh, who could EVER call Olive ugly...omg she is just the cutest ever. And I am also lovin' those rays of sunshine coming through those trees, just lovely!!

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pictures, but that first one is outstanding!

Brian King said...

The first photo is just gorgeous! Photoshop can never replace the real thing. Excellent shots!

I wouldn't put much stock in anonymous comments. People who won't post using their real name aren't worth the time.

Our photos said...

Lovely photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Jim said...

I'm thinking maybe that Anonymous was teasing with you? Anyway I know that once you get to know her Olive is cute for sure.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Just don't let Olive read that post, she is adorable and sweet as sugar.. we all know that.. the sun rays are amazing and i could add them with photoshop but it would not compare to what you captured from God's creation...awesome shot. and love those berries

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This is really a beautiful blog post Barb ~ every far as beautiful Olive goes, well, you know I love her. We have a pushy face too so you know I'm not just saying that.
Anonymous people are afraid to be real as you prob know, which is why they remain anonymous. I could say more, but a child might read this blog. Hug Olive please. I love her sincere and stoic face, sensitive and thoughtful eyes and stiff upper lip ;)

removed my other post because of sp errors

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That was so rude for someone to say that about your dog. Olive is beautiful and precious! Our pets are a loved part of the family.

Your photos are just beautiful, Barb. I love the early morning fog one especially. Mother Nature delights us in so many ways, and you are truly talented in capturing her.

Anonymous said...

Just like humans, we all look different and each of us is unique, like animals to..Love your photos!

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