Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Looking a little closer….

Autumn is winding down and most of the bright fall colors are gone.  The color scheme of brown and green is what I see out my window these days.  After the vibrant fall we had, these toned down colors can seem a bit dreary even on a bright and beautiful day like today.  But I know there are still intriguing things to find out there.  One just has to look a little closer.

Look and you might see delicate, gossamer milkweed seeds about to be released upon the wind.

Or gracefully twisted branches that were once hidden by foliage.

Or dried seed pods that make up their own bouquets where their flowers once stood.

Or the nice, bright sparkle of red berries.

Just look...


Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful treasures are to be found in nature all year. As you say, we just have to look. Thanks for 'looking' and finding these ones. I love your new header photo.

kat from ky. said...

Great eye!

TexWisGirl said...

i REALLY like the browns of this time of year. so rich. so 'warm' even as the weather cools.

Rose said...

oh, my! These are beautiful. We just have to pause and look to see the beauty.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

These are gorgeous! The milkweed is so delicate looking. You did a great job with the close up. I love the look of the bare tree branches this time of year. They are stark but elegant.

Our photos said...

All the photos are beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the beauty is there, we just have to see it and you found it.. love that twisted branch and the bokeh behind it

Lynn said...

love your bokah and background tones absolutely breath taking!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There is beauty in the smallest details as you have shown, Barbara.

Brian King said...

Beautiful and very artistic! I like how delicate the first one looks.