Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Winter Life…

As I sit here, it is snowing like crazy and it’s very cold.  But, like it or not, we all have our ways of dealing with winter.

Olive, the pug, has found that sitting in front of the propane stove until she is warm does it for her.

Our bird friends make more visits to the feeder.  They mostly sit and wait their turns.

Although the goldfinches are willing to wait, once it’s their turn they like to sit inside the feeder eating their fill and pitching their rejects on the ground.

I don’t think you will hear this little field mouse complaining.

Hoping you all stay warm and safe!


TexWisGirl said...

the mouse is so stinking adorable!!! glad he's getting fed, too.

Debbie said...

oh smart little olive!!

and great capture on that cute little mouse!!

Mary said...

Olive knows what's going on! And she's adorable to boot. :) Little mousie is pretty darned cute himself!

Willow said...

Thanks for your visit today :)
Love your pug on a rug !
What an awesome little mouse photo !

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

These are all so great...I always like to see Olive of course...love the nuthatches...how did you EVER get that mouse? Great capture!!

had to delete...my sp was awful and you cannot just edit...sorry

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love Olive but you shared a field mouse. so, so, so cute! great shots. ( :

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Olive is a kindred spirit. We know where to hang out when it's cold! :-) That little mouse is so adorable! Great photos of all the animals.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if i were there I would be hugging that fire with Olive.. and that field mouse is adorable...as long as he stays in the fields.. love those little ears.

Pamela Gordon said...

Sweet pictures. Lucky Olive to have a nice fire to sleep beside. Love the little mouse picture. It's snowing and cold here again today. Stay warm.

Nicki said...

scoot over Olive - I like the way she thinks and I love that stove.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

So glad to see that your blog is back, Barbara! Enjoyed the bird pics and snow too.