Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Hales Do San Antonio....

After Austin, we spent three nights in San Antonio. Our hotel was on the Riverwalk and in a nice location for strolling along there. When we checked in, we were upgraded to a room with a balcony overlooking part of the Riverwalk so that was a nice perk. The weather was nice enough that we could sit out there in the evening and watch people stroll by.

Olive enjoyed it in her regular doggie way.

Of course, we had to visit the Alamo. When we got there, we discovered that dogs are not allowed on the side of the street where the Alamo sits, so we took turns sitting with Olive while the other went in and checked it out. I managed to strike up a conversation with a very nice man from San Jose, California. He told me that he has four daughters and he asked me what that made him. I told him I didn't know. He said it made him King! If that's the case, my father was King, too.

The wonderful grounds at the Alamo.
We had lunch on the Riverwalk that day. Can you tell how much Greg loves oysters?
 I say he can have them.

We took the obligatory boat ride, of course.

The next day, we left the hustle and bustle of the Riverwalk and took in the Mission Tour. Our first stop was at the Mission Concepción. Built in 1755, it is the oldest unrestored church in the country . The original walls still stand.

 There, I met this beautiful young lady who asked very politely if she could pet my dog.  Of course, Olive said yes!

Mission San José is the most complete and restored of the missions on the tour. We truly enjoyed walking around the grounds and seeing how life was lived there in the mid 1700s.


We also visited the Mission Espada, which is still in use today.

And the Mission San Juan before running out of gas and going back to the hotel.


TexWisGirl said...

a room with an 'olive' view. :) i've been to the alamo and the riverwalk but haven't seen the missions. it is a very neat city, though.

Brian King said...

Love the photos of the mission! I've been to San Antonio and the Riverwalk. Spent quite a bit of time there.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that canal shot and the bird on the rock is awesome.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

San Antonio looks gorgeous! I would love to visit the missions. Your photos are beautiful. I'm glad Olive had a good time too. :-)

Unknown said...

wonderful to get to see all the historic sites...great photos! Princes Olive even starred in her own movie short ;)

Debbie said...

love, love, loved the video of it so wrong that it was my favorite part of this entry?? i know it is. she is adorable and don't get me started on that little curled tail!!

and yes, yes, the other images where beautiful ;)

Gail Dixon said...

San Antonio is a neat place. I love the riverwalk. We never rode the boat though. Your shot of the bird in front of the old church is awesome. And the little girl wanting to pet Olive. So sweet.

magda said...

Τι όμορφα μέρη Barbara!!!!
Με τις υπέροχες φωτογραφίες σου ταξίδεψα...
Πιο πολύ απ΄όλα μου άρεσαν τα στρείδια!!!! Τα λατρεύω!
Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο και πολλά φιλιά

Rose said...

Loved seeing your pics...I like old historical places.

Nicki said...

awesome, awesome pictures and adorable video of Ms. Olive.

"Juan Rodríguez" said...

Hola buenos días, me llamo Juan Rodríguez y como tú, soy fotógrafo, paseando encontré tu blog y en el encontré muchas historias de personas y lugares que marcan y marcaron su paso por esta vida, tengo que pasar tiempo en tu blog para poder disfrutarlo con la tranquilidad que merece y, así lo haré. Con tu permiso me hago tu seguidor para poder estar atento a tus nuevas publicaciones y, aprovecho para invitarte a entrar en el mío y si te gusta lo que encuentres en el, hacerte mi seguidor.

Un fuerte abrazo querido amigo, desde la isla de
Gran Canaria.

Carol said...

I have enjoyed the facebook updates, but I knew I had to come here to really enjoy the show. The entire set of trip photographs stunning and journalistic.