Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wormtown fences…

For many years, the city of Worcester, Massachusetts has teeter-tottered with Providence, Rhode Island for the title of the Second Largest city in New England behind Boston, of course.  I’m not sure who holds the title these days, but I can tell you this:  Providence has a much nicer and better serviced airport.  You can actually go to a variety of places from there.  These days, there are only two flights out of Worcester on Jet Blue and they both go directly to Florida.
Yesterday, Greg and I, being retired and having nothing much to do in the afternoon, headed to the Worcester airport anyway.  We didn’t want to go to Florida.  We were hoping to see Air Force One land.  President Obama was coming to town to give the commencement speech at the Worcester Technical High School graduation.
It seems we weren’t alone in our quest.  There were quite a few people hoping to park along Route 56 at the end of the runway.  Of course, they (we) were not allowed to stop…duh!  But we circled around and eventually we saw that the eagle had landed.  I didn’t get a photo of Air Force One even though I did see it.  But I got a few pictures of the fence that surrounds the Worcester Airport.

Across the road from the airport, these girls had the best view of the going-ons, but they didn’t seem to be in the least bit interested.

Watching the news later in the evening, I began thinking about my high school graduation.  Well, I guess I should say that I wracked my brain for a microbe, an iota, a grain of a memory of my graduation.  Sadly, there was zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing there.  I can’t remember one second of my high school graduation.  If my father hadn’t taken photos of the event, I might not believe today that it even happened.  I do remember this white dress however.  That is definitely nothing I would have ever bought or worn if not forced to.  Not that there is anything wrong with it…it’s just not me.

But the young people from Worcester Technical High School (and the administration of the school) who are very deserving of having the President of the United States as their commencement speaker will not have that problem when they are my age.  Regardless of their political leanings now or in the future, they will most certainly remember their graduation day.  Kudos to them!!
I’m hooking up with Theresa at The Run*A*RoundRanch Report to show off my Good Fences.


TexWisGirl said...

love the rural setting that airport was surrounded by! cute pic of you, too!

i remember my h.s. graduation well. i cried during my valedictorian speech and most of my classmates cried, too. :)

thanks for linking!

Debbie said...

i don't remember my hs graduation, i was drunk, all day long!!

pre-party we drank, i got thrown in the pool, then everyone jumped in, i think it was fun....i was a hoot back then. we drank when we got to graduation. we laughed, we cried....i don't remember much beyond that!! it was my last horrah!!! i worked all summer, went to nursing school, studied hard, never drank, never partied....i had to study, work hard to graduate at the top of my class!!!

your images are beautiful. taken by me....they would never look like that, that pretty!! you didn't think i was that much fun?!?!

Rose said...

I almost wish I didn't remember any or my graduation...not for the reasons you might think...just not a happy time in my life.

TexWisGirl said...

well, debbie - i was a good girl - i drank AFTER graduation was over - stayed out all night. :)

barbara l. hale said...

Yeah. I am sure I was sober at the graduation ceremony, too. Afterwards, who the heck knows! I was never one to drink in the morning...except for coffee.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am now relieved, i thought i was the only one that doesn't remember graduation. and i have zero pics so that is that... love the girls that did not care a whit that the eagle landed... when HE comes to Tampa airport and HE does a LOT... we get and email that my hubbies radio control airplanes are grounded between 11 and 4 on such and such a day..

Anonymous said...

I like you capturing the sign in with your fence. You could of Temporary Parked since it was a Temporary Order. Thanks for vising my Wheels fence. I don't remember much of anything about graduation. Can't recall as to why I don't remember either. Well it was in the mid-60's. That might have something to do with it.

Brian King said...

Love those old posts and the barbed wire! Very cool you got to see AF1!

Roan said...

Really like the fence, even if it does have that police sign in front of it. Nice pic of you. I remember my graduation well. I wasn't allowed to go out with friends or to parties, so I went home with my parents. If only I could have thought of a good reason to take the car out, but the parents were on high alert. :)

Gail Dixon said...

I barely remember any of my hs days period. Sadly, I was a stoner. Anyhow, the rustic fence is pretty, as is the pic of you! (Btw, I'm a bird nerd now, couldn't be any farther from my teenage days.)

Lynn said...

great photos, love the barbed wire and old wood posts, and the cows and you and your dress :-), and I remember far too much of my graduation especially the dress, the exact same pattern hangs in our neighbours windows today, half way around the world, ug-leeeee!

Karen Lakis said...

I heard about this high school graduation - I imagine the Worcester Tech graduates will remember their graduation! I think I remember about a minute of mine - but that's okay, I wasn't too sad to leave my high school behind. I love your beautiful rural scenes!

Tanya Breese said...

what a cute and happy picture of you! love all the photos. i didn't know worcester was so big (although you wouldn't know from the rural pictures)...many of my ancestors lived there at one time!

Tanya Breese said...

and i remember my hs graduation. my parents took me and my boyfriend (now husband) out to dinner at a chinese restaurant, then to graduation, i remember my pretty hawaiian print dress i wore under my gown..our ceremony was at sdsu in the greek bowl..then afterwards i left with my boyfriend, had to pee super bad so went in the parking lot next to his car lol...then we went to this place called mt. helix where people would go and park and we drank and made out's that for remembering?!!

Unknown said...

" I didn’t get a photo of Air Force One even though I did see it. But I got a few pictures of the fence that surrounds the Worcester Airport." - sensational comparison :))))

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh i love the Fence shot. what a gorgeous fence. are fencing/fences gorgeous? well they are too me. ha. ha!! have a great week. ( :