Friday, August 22, 2014

First Impressions of PEI...

Now that we are about to leave, I am going to post my first impressions of this beautiful place...
Prince Edward Island.

1)  No matter where you look, there's a farm in the background.

2)  It's a great place for oysters and oyster people, so Greg was happy.

3)  People have a bit of a spring in their steps.

4)  Red is a common theme as is weathered wood.

5)  They make a darn good beer, eh!

Linking to Around Roanoke...A Daily Photo Blog's

Willy Nilly Friday Five!


kat from ky. said...

Oh my! Now I want to live there instead of Vermont. Or, ....Love these pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful and i love that rock art...

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I would love to visit! The blue sky and water in the second photo are exquisite!

Gail Dixon said...

Those farmhouses sitting on a large field are so charming. What a great place to visit!

TexWisGirl said...

i like farm! liked the 2 cuties with springs in their steps, too.

Debbie said...

looks like everyone would be happy here ;)

Kerri Farley said...

Oh it looks like a wonderful place!!!!

Barb said...

Barbara, I've always wanted to visit Prince Edward island. Now, seeing your photos, even more so.

Tanya Breese said...

oh wow, what a great the pics with the "spring in their step"!! have a great weekend and thanks for linking!

Pamela Gordon said...

You chose some very interesting and different (from the usual tourist photos) for this and I like them. It's such a beautiful island and I haven't been there for 6 years now. You passed through my province of New Brunswick to get there and back so I hope you did some sight seeing there too. :) Pam

Tom said...

I love how folks stack rocks! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Brian King said...

A very nice place!

Ida said...

Very nice first impression shots. The skip in their step shots were fun. Loved the Farm land and the pile of red rocks with the weathered fence.

Linda said...

Have a great time!!

Linda :o)

Nicki said...

i literally lOL at the skip in their step shots - looks like a fun location to visit.