Thursday, February 5, 2015

In a white out...

We have had us some snow this year.  At this point, we have about three feet on the ground and more on the way this weekend.  To add insult to injury, it has been downright frigid out.  We humans complain about it all the time.  Facebook is covered with snow images and statements of disbelief.  Well, it is winter after all.  I found a couple of creatures who seem to be taking it all in stride.  Heck, for the dark-eyed junco, this is a walk in the park.

The powers that be managed to clear enough snow out of the way to allow the Patriots' Super Bowl celebratory parade to occur yesterday in Boston.  Seems like it is more important to do that than to make sure the schools are open for the kids.  Oh, well...  But a good time was had by all and I'm just happy football season is over.  That means spring is sure to come again and with it the crack of the bat.  Go Red Sox!

This next photo isn't a very good one, but it will give you some idea of what we're dealing with around here AND it gives me the opportunity to link up to The Run*A*Round Ranch's Good Fences.

Aren't you glad you don't have that job in this snowy weather?!

  But while we were in Florida last month, we ran across another Liberty.  It was a first for me.  I've never seen the Statue of Liberty with a mustache.  On the other hand, this Liberty doesn't have to find his way through the snow banks.

Linking up to Theresa's Good Fences!


TexWisGirl said...

laughing at the liberties! yikes! good luck with all that snow!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! I think I would have had to take a pick of this "statue" too!!! More snow coming this weekend...lots...:)JP

Brian King said...

Beautiful! I love the female cardinal!

RobertN said...

Beautiful post!

Pamela Gordon said...

Love your bird photos today. And the Statue of Liberty were too funny, especially the one in the snow. I had my picture taken with one in Times Square. :)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos of the birds....The colors against the white background makes for a stunning shot!

LV said...

We have those tax fellows all around here, but no snow. Thank goodness.

Unknown said...

Sorry, I didn't pay any attention to your fences after I saw that pretty fluffy Junco :))
Perfect photo!
Have a fine weekend

Rose said...

It sounds like you have had our share of snow, too. Not that I am really complaining, but I would have liked to have had one good snow where the snow lays heavy on everything. Either that, or just skip ahead to spring!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i feel for folks who work outdoors when it is cold like this ... so silly. i hope they get breaks and a hot drink. love your birdie shots. so cute. i think he is a junco ... yes, i am right, i see you agree. very cute. i always think they look like penguins. cool! love them so. ( :

Barb said...

You will have quite the melt when warmer temps arrive! Lady Liberty looks quite stern while man Liberty seems to be a traffic stopper (also without a smile). These jobs must not pay much!

Linda said...

Barbara those are magnificent bird pictures....truly!
Oh....I saw the Statue of Liberty in Florida last year!
We are currently on the road to Florida....
Can't hardly wait!
Stay warm....
Linda :o)

Ida said...

Yep that's some snow and it was fun seeing the different (Liberty) figures. Can't say (Lady Liberty) as that would be wrong. I think I'd rather be in Florida.

Debbie said...

The juncos are one of my favorite winter birds, they are just stunning in the snow!!

You sure do have a lot of snow, I won't be by to pick any up ;)

Melissa said...

Oh I love that Cardinal!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the cardinal in the whiteout. and that is some Liberty Guy.. we have them standing out here, but they are girls and no black sweaters, just arms...

Nicki said...

Yes, just as we whine about the weather I notice the animals seem to go on in stride (but then who really knows what they say to each other - maybe they are just as whiny). Speaking of Statutes of Liberty - a number of years ago apparently there was a traveling "mock Statue of Liberty statue" salesman in the neighborhood because it seemed like everyone one had one. Well, maybe just a couple of homes - and I always worked a way into my directions to the house to include them. Tacky (but always in front of the nicest homes - just goes to show money don't buy everything and good taste is one of them).

Fantastic pictures and keep warm. (kiddo is none-too-happy about the persistent snow and cold ... oh well!).

21 Wits said...

I just love the guy nearly buried in the snow! I always honk and wave to these people! Cute birds too.

Unknown said...

yeah...I know whereof you speak...I'm developing some serious biceps from shovelling the walkway by the barn...well, I guess we'll all remember this winter...skiiers and snowmobilers must be ecstatic!

Love the bird pics

diane said...

The "Liberties" have me laughing out loud ... :-D We have had enough snow up here in NH ... enough!!! And more coming tonight ... gotta love it!!
diane @ thoughts & shots

Pat said...

The birds are beautiful.
That mustache just isn't right.