Friday, April 17, 2015

Willy-nilly Friday 5: Recycling the Blues…

1.  I’m posting the last five weeks of my 52 Weeks of Blue today and since Willy-nilly Friday 5 is back, I’m being otherwise random.

2.  When I was a kid, I remember my Grandpa Oscar playing music.  He could play pretty much any stringed instrument he picked up, but my favorite was the banjo.
  I still love listening to banjo music to this day.

3.  Last night, I got a real treat.  My son Evan drove over from Worcester and we piled into the car and joined my daughter Carrie for dinner in Northampton at a nice tapas place called Ibiza.  Then Carrie left for her photo club meeting and Evan and I went to the Calvin Theater in Noho and got to hear the great banjo player Bela Fleck and his equally talented wife Abigail Washburn.  What fun!  Mark Twain said, "A gentleman is a man who can play the banjo, but doesn't." If that’s the case, I’m glad I wasn’t in the company of gentlemen last night.  The opening act was Rhiannon Giddens and the Carolina Chocolate Drops.  They were fab, too.  A terrific night all around.

4.  When I looked at my calendar today, I saw that it was my cat Clouseau’s birthday.  Clouseau was the first cat that Greg and I adopted after we got married.  I loved that cat!  He was a gorgeous Tuxedo cat with a great personality.  He would have been 35 today.  I don’t suppose any domestic cat has ever lived that long, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t missed…still.

5.  The snow is gone almost completely.  Spring has sprung.  Still waiting for the forsythia to pop, but that should happen any day now.  Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Tanya's Willy-nilly Friday 5!

Just for grins, I thought I would throw in an old photo of my Grandpa and his twin brothers Hobart and McKinley.  Grandpa is the one in the middle.  I love this old photo!

And here's one of me and the birthday boy.  This was probably taken in 1981.  He was the best cat ever! Even though he doesn't look too comfortable in this pic, he never complained.


Melissa said...

Clouseau looks pretty happy, I think. He must have loved all the yarn!

Debbie said...

everything is popping here...the daffodils are in full bloom and the trees are starting to show their blooms!!!

i love that you are surrounded by yarn, even in 1981!!!!

TexWisGirl said...

sweet old photos and pretty blues. i love the hyacinth blooms.

Barb said...

The old photos are wonderful (though, of course, the one of you isn't really old). That touch of blue in the upper photos makes them pop. I love the blue repeated in the blueberry photo.

Ida said...

Those first 2 blue shots are just wonderful. I loved them both.
How neat that you got to spend time with your son & daughter. I think I would have enjoyed the Banjo music.
You never forget your furry friends. Happy Birthday in Memory of Clouseau. She sounds like a wonderful cat. It was fun seeing a picture of you with her.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so much pretty blue and my favorite is the blue glass vase.. our dog Max would be 29 now, we have been married 30 years and he was our first dog. we still miss him to and he died in 02.

A Colorful World said...

Awesome post! Love the blues! And loved hearing about your grandfather and his musical talents, and the banjo players you heard as well.

Unknown said...

That was such a neat blog post do have some great times with your kids! Beautiful blues

Love those old photos and the one you posted of your grandfather and his 2 brothers is awesome...

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Your BLUES are Blu-tiful....and your black and whites too! That old pic of your grandpa is awesome! I really LOVE to see old pics like that!

Rose said...

I really like ALL your photos, and enjoyed the your random 5s. I forgot to join. Seems like either I forget, or I know I won't get to do much visiting so I don't join, but the Random 5 thing I really love.

EG CameraGirl said...

Clouseau is a great name for a cat! Wonderful photo of him and I very much like the photo of your grandpa and his twin brothers.

Tanya Breese said...

oh i love the old pic of your grandpa and his brothers and i also like a banjo! great list and beautiful blues again! your really doing a great job with, clouseau was a cutie and i love his name :) thanks for linking!! hope to see you again this friday!