Wednesday, September 9, 2015

More of the Blues…

I am continuing my 52 Week Project – 52 Weeks of Blue – but it hasn’t always been easy.

Week 31 was a challenge so out came my blue marbles.  I decided to manipulate the photo by layering a copy of the inverted photo on top to create the bright shadows.  I messed with it for quite a while, but eventually liked the way it looked.

We were in Vermont during Week 32 and I came across this rustic old blue door in downtown Rutland.  I think it has a lot of character.

We actually passed this old place in Brimfield, Massachusetts, home of the famous Brimfield Flea Market, on our way home from Vermont and I made a special trip back there to take a photo of this old door for Week 33.  This used to be Joe’s Package Store, but it is obviously closed these days.  I’m glad they didn’t tear it down until I had a chance to snap at it.  

The Brimfield Flea is going on as I type this right now.  While it wreaks havoc in our town traffic-wise and in the local hotels and restaurants, it is a fun experience, which I often liken to going through your old aunt's attic.  Not that I've ever had an old aunt with an attic full of treasures, but some of you must have.

Week 34 was a busy one for us and it culminated in a trip to Bangor, Maine for a wedding.  I thought it would be easy to find something blue on that trip, but when I looked through my photos, this was the best I could come up with.  It was a disappointing blue week.

I had to get creative with Week 35, too.  I have a lot of blue glass and took some pictures of a few pieces of it in the bright sunlight.  I wasn’t pleased with any of the results, but started messing with this one and layered a photo of flowers on top of it.  I like the idea, but I think I will play with it a little more in the future and see if I can do it better.

In other news, I'm heading to Ohio tomorrow morning to help my sisters and brothers with my mother's estate sale.  They have done so much work getting ready for this, that it's the least I can do.  My mother, who was very reluctant to go into assisted living, seems to have settled in at this point and has not tried to escape recently.  There's no doubt that getting older isn't for the fainthearted and dealing with loved ones getting older is almost as difficult, but it is the way life goes.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

have a safe trip, and see you when you get back. i love love the blue pitcher. gorgeous and i like that blue door. the marbles are really cool to... you did a great job with your blues. i have never had any relative or even a friend who had an attic full of treasures... raised poor so all my friends and family were poor to

eileeninmd said...

Hello, well done, I love the blue door and the blue glass pitcher. Have a happy day!

Kerri Farley said...

Your blues are blue-ti-ful :) Glad your mom is settling in!

Pamela Gordon said...

Gorgeous shades of blue, Barb! I love the marbles and vase and how you edited them. Well done. I hope all goes well in Ohio with the estate. It is a difficult process. Take Care.

TexWisGirl said...

love the blue door - the first one.

Giga said...

I like your photograph in blue. They are ingenious. Regards.

Barb said...

I love what you've done with the blue pitcher. If I was shooting blues, I think I'd just have to take endless photos of the sky! There really isn't much blue in Nature, is there? Good luck with your mother's estate sale. I have a friend who just sold her house and moved to a retirement community. She actually likes it.

Brian King said...

Nicely done with the marbles! I love that first door! Fantastic!

RobertN said...

Wonderful series!

Rose said...

I think you did darn good! I love the last one especially.

Nicki said...

Love those doors. You would be in blue heaven at my mother-in-law's - she is all about blue and has a never ending stock of locally produced Blenko hand-blown glass - every shade of blue you can imagine.

Bárbara G. said...

My name is Barb too, what a coincidence!
I just saw a comment of yours here
And I just was too curious to check your gallery because my name is Barb too haha.
I really loved this series of blue stuff, specially the last one of that jar! The lighting is amazing! :)

Do you have an account on Flickr? So I can add you...
If you want, you can check my gallery there:

Greetings from Venezuela!

Gail Dixon said...

Good news about your mom accepting her situation. I could never get my mom to do what I thought was best for her, and in the end, she got her way, though it wasn't pretty. Hang in there. It's not easy with aging parents, as you know.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the blue pitcher. very cool. you are not for hire ... well that stinks. i know plenty of people who would love your work. i sure do. ( :