Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some Fences…

I am wondering what this poor tree did to deserve being fenced off from all the other things in the area. 

While this particular fence between the trees is just standing there for no good reason really.  

While watching this ghost car speed by, I realized that the fence across the way is there to keep other cars from falling into the Quaboag River.  

And I am off tomorrow to Syracuse, New York.  Our son Evan is graduating this weekend from Syracuse University with his Masters Degree in Information and Library Science.  The last two years have sped by much like that car in the photo above.  We are very proud.  

Linking to Friday Fences


Unknown said...

i remember doing some kind of that fence to wrap around the trees. the purpose is to give certain vines something to cling to. when the vine is sturdy, the fence would then be clipped away with some sort of cutting tool.

maybe the vine didn't grow.

Brian King said...

I've seen trees wrapped like that to protect them from beavers, but I don't know if it would apply in this case. Congratulations to your son!

Tanya Breese said...

congratulations to your son! what an accomplishment! that last shot is awesome!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i may not sleep well tonight wondering about that fenced tree and the why of it all. plus the bridge to no where. hummm lots of thinking to do. congrats to the grad.

TexWisGirl said...

wonder if they have goats that strip the bark.

congratulations to you and your son!

Lydia Martin said...

Interesting musings and photos...I do like that 'ghost' car! A big congratulations to your son...just in time for Mother's Day! :)

Judy said...

Congratulations to your son! We put fences around our young trees to keep the deer from eating them. I wonder if they forgot to take it off or maybe it's what TexWisGirl says.

Nicki said...

They did that to a tree close by because of beavers or some other ground hugging animal that loves to eat away at the bark until the tree can no longer stand. Nice collection of fences.

Diana said...

Wonderful blog with great pictures! I joined your blog and look forward to seeing more :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations upon this success. And yes, some things need protection.

Please have a good journey and weekend.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations upon this success. And yes, some things need protection.

Please have a good journey and weekend.

Rambling Woods said...

Oh congrats...enjoy the moment..

barbara l. hale said...

There are definitely beavers in the area. That must be it.

Nancy said...

Looks like that tree had some type of animal damage at the bottom... I image the fencing is to try and save it.

Congratulations to your son. :)

Shaun said...

I guess some fences are more useful than others. I know here in the UK they will section off trees in order to protect them ground dwelling critters.

Crack You Whip said...

Congrats to your son and the shots are all great!

EG CameraGirl said...

You must be very proud of your son. Congratulations!

Debbie said...

Someone told me once about wrapping trees like that but I just can't remember the story!!!

Adorable little bridge...

Congrats to your son, I hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!

Deno said...

A beaver has already gotten to that tree. They eat the soft underside of the bark.