Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The best time to yarn bomb your pug and other stuff…

Last week when I went out to go to Skinner Mountain with my kids, we found ourselves having the opportunity to sit and talk because Skinner Mountain was closed.  To find out the story about that, you can click HERE.  In any case, while we were sitting and talking, the subject of yarn bombing came up.  It seems that Carrie has a friend who has been complicit in some yarn bombings.  If you are unfamiliar with yarn bombing, here’s how Wikipedia defines it:  a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk. 

Well, I had the idea that I would like to yarn bomb my pug, Olive.  So the next couple of nights using my yarn scraps, I worked on a bomb for the dog.  Here’s what I learned:  The best time to yarn bomb your pug is just after waking her up from a nap.  She is much more compliant and easier to bomb at that time than when she is totally conscious and aware.  Here’s how a yarn bombed pug looks.

Something else happened to me this week that made me happy.  I had to take my car in to the dealer for a part.  They told me to expect to be there between two and two and a half hours.  I was prepared for that.  I had my NOOK and a new book to start.  But I was having a hard time concentrating because they had a television in there that was tuned into some inane talk show and it was on very loud.  I was just about getting annoyed when the guy who checked me in came out and said, “Hey, Barbara, I have bad news and good news.”  The bad news was that they were probably going to take longer than two and a half hours and the good news was that they had a car that they would let me take home and would call me when my car was ready.  That WAS good news and I jumped at the chance.  Not literally, but I did sign all the paperwork etc.  So I got to drive home in a Scion IQ.  It’s a small car but I  found I really liked it.  It’s plenty roomy in the front and since it was just me, it was plenty comfortable.  The only thing disconcerting about it to me is how close the cars were behind me when I had to stop at a stop light.  But I was very pleased not to have to sit at the dealership for what turned out to be a little over three hours.  Here’s what a Scion IQ looks like.

Another thing that has made me happy all summer is the fact that there are bunnies around here in abundance.  We have years where there are no bunnies around because we have Fisher Cats around now and then.  If you’ve never heard of a Fisher,here’s the Wiki on them.  They are mean and nasty creatures that are not related to cats and apparently don't like fish much.  When they are around they wipe out the small animal population.  They don’t seem to like the taste of squirrel however.  Go figure.  I have seen a bunny almost every day this summer.  This one was feasting in our front yard.

I hope you all are having a good week!


TexWisGirl said...

that tiny shoe of a car is quite cute! olive, however, looks a bit sad in her colorful almost-tutu. :)

we have an abundance of bunnies this year, too. coyotes must be getting lazy as we've never had this much bunny poo all over the yard before. they come out at night and clean up all the birdseed on the ground. drives my pups crazy in the moonlight!

Unknown said...

You know, that Pug bomb could catch on. I think Olive is very fetching in those colors...keep the tummy warm too!

Interesting car...does look chopped off ;)

Unknown said...

ps...good about the bunnies....we hardly ever see them here

barbara l. hale said...

Do you have fishers up your way? Looks like you might.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is the cutest bombed pug ever. and i would so love to drive that little car.

Fábio Martins said...

The dog with that stuff is very cute :) good photos!!!

Rohrerbot said...

Love rabbits....I never get sick of seeing them around. That's an interesting little predator you have around your parts. Look vicious!I've always wondered what it was like to drive one of those cars:)And your pug is adorable:)

Pamela Gordon said...

Well, Barbara, Olive looks just adorable in her yarn bomb! Sooo cute. That little car does look fun to drive, especially in the city, but I can see why you would worry about people coming up behind you. There's not much behind you! :)

Sharon M said...

Cute car but the bunny is cuter.

Debbie said...

ooohhhh a cute little sweater for olive!!

the last time i took my car in for service, there was a woman on her cell phone, shouting so loud i could not concentrate on anything.....i was extremely annoyed. i was not the only annoyed person.

cute bunny, we had several that reproduced under our deck ;)))

SM said...

beautiful photos

MEcoy said...

cute pug haha

Chatty Crone said...

Love your pug and sweater.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

The two seater looks nice and comfort on our city roads !

Karen said...

a very happy post!! and a happy your little doggy coat.

Rose said...

I like your yarn bombing!!!!

did you feel safe in the car? I have always wondered how it would feel to be driving one of the extra small cars...I wonder if I would even think about it being small if I was driving it.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the explanation about yarn bombing, Barbara. When we were in Concord, NH I saw examples, but no animals as cute as Olive. The Scion looks like a good commuter or city car, but driving on major highways in something so small would be uncomfortable for me.

barbara l. hale said...

I felt safe in the Scion once I got used to the cars being so close behind. It doesn't feel that small when you are driving it somehow.

Kerri Farley said...

Love your little bunny :)

Sharon Whitley said...

found your blog through rambles with a camera - you're a brilliant photogrpaher, love the bunny and all the scavenger hunt photos are brilliant!