Thursday, September 6, 2012

The life and times of Olive the pug…

It was just beautiful here last Friday night.   So Greg and I loaded up our golf cart for a ride down to our beach to share some time with our neighbors and friends.  To say that this is Olive’s very most favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is to understate how much she loves these jaunts and looks forward to them.  She can barely contain herself when she sees us making preparations to go.

For some odd reason, last Friday we were the first of our group to show up.  So Olive jumped up on the picnic table to see what kind of treat we brought along to eat.  I hadn’t had a chance to prepare anything good and brought along a bag of pretzels with some special mustard as a dip.  Olive stared at the bag in disbelief.  She knows that we know that dogs don’t like pretzels.

She decided to let Greg know she wasn’t happy about it.

But all that was soon forgotten because her favorite buddy Buddy showed up.  Buddy is about the best tempered dog I’ve ever met and a fine example of what a great idea it is to look to the local shelter for a canine companion.

They soon took off like two dogs shot out of a cannon.  When we finally packed up to go home, Olive wasn’t really sure she wanted to go until she saw that Buddy was leaving too.  That night in bed, her snores were extra loud.  Now and then she would give a little bark and her pint sized legs were moving to beat the band.  I’m sure she was running on the beach with Buddy in her dreams.


Debbie said...

awwww, so sweet!!

she is absolutely adorable!!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, she's got a great life! that photo of her looking at the pretzels is too funny, though!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just love it when they dream and run, i bet she was exhausted. both our dogs love pretzels, Jake eats anything except lettuce and raw carrots.. Buddy looks like the perfect buddy for Olive...

Chatty Crone said...

I L O V E Pugs.

RobertN said...

:)Beautiful post!

Deanna said...

What a cutie...and the look at the pretzel bag is priceless. Glad Olive found a playmate and enjoyed her day even with the pretzels.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hope the humans had as much fun as Olive and Buddy did at the beach.

MEcoy said...

cute dog i would want to have a dog like that

MEcoy said...

cute dog i would want to have a dog like that

Mary said...

Such well loved pups. keep on with that.

Kerri Farley said...

Made me smile :)
Love this post!

Lydia Martin said...

What a great glimpse into Olives world

Juliana said...

OMG! what a great pics!
I like the last picture!
I had similar coloured dog in my childhood...))) so cute!

xoxo, Juliana

Nicki said...

Love the black and white - fun set all around.

Love for Food and Photography said...

Greedy and adorable Olive! I love her begging face!! Great portrait of the buddy too!!