Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Life and Times of Olive the Pug: Three States Edition…

Sometimes when a dog is just lying around sleeping and minding her own business, her dreams come true.  That happened to Olive the pug the other day.  In the midst of her morning siesta, someone said, “Who wants to go for a ride?”  Because the word “ride” always gets a dog’s attention, Olive is at the alert and ready to go in no time.

For that 15 seconds or so before a dog gets settled into the back seat of the car and falls back asleep, her imagination goes wild.  After all, it wasn’t all that long ago that she fell asleep in the back seat and woke up in Florida.  She doesn’t allow herself to remember that last week, she fell asleep in the back of the car and wound up at the groomer.  A dog is more optimistic than that.

This time, we're heading out on the back roads of Connecticut to one of our favorite places that, on nice days, will allow dogs to have lunch with their humans…The Vanilla Bean in Pomfret.

 After lunch, the male human decides that a little ice cream for dessert would be just the ticket on a beautiful spring day such as it was.  And the wanderings began.  It seems that most of the usual places for ice cream in Connecticut aren’t open yet…people being far less optimistic than dogs.  So we cross over to Rhode Island in search of the illusive dish of ice cream.
More disappointment ensues, so we head for home.  “Wait!  Maybe Rondeau’s Dairy Bar is open,” says the man.  Off we go to Palmer, Massachusetts, where in the end a dog gets to lick the bowl.
  Can a day get much better than that?


TexWisGirl said...

three states - a whirlwind tour! :)

MEcoy said...

that breed of dogs were the cutest!
anyway yumyum for the ice cream

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking you live right on the line to those three states.. love that last mug of the pug shot.

kat from ky. said...

Your Olive sure must love ice cream! lol!

Susan said...

Wow what a treat for your little Pug.
Olive is cutie!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh he is so cute - vanilla is great (?) for a dog. sandie

Anonymous said...

look at that face... oh my goodness! =)

Pamela Gordon said...

Cute story of your quest for ice cream Barbara! I'm glad you found it after all your travels. I can't see my hubby doing that but I think I might. :) I love ice cream. And not the soft serve. I prefer the hard ice cream and anything with chocolate in it. Pamela

Unknown said...

I'd say you did good Miss Olive ~ very nice of you to take your humans on an outing and even find them ice are indispensable! Great narrative and pics :)

Betty Manousos said...

no doubt, olive is the star!
i just want to reach through the screen and smooch that cute face!

amazing shots as well.

happy weekend~

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Barbara, regarding that elusive ice cream search, you should have continued to another New England state...NH becaus we know that a place called Hayward's in Nashua is open and they sell home made...we were there the week after Easter.