Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Worth waiting for…

I think I can say it out loud.  Spring is finally here in central Massachusetts.  I knew it when I saw that my tulips had pushed their heads up through the ground.  You just can’t trust the daffodils to tell the truth about spring.  But I trust tulips.

Thank you, Nancy, I used texture nc_0416-1 when I processed this pic.
  Having your textures on hand is wonderful!



Mary said...

Beautiful photo.. tulip, texture and all!

TexWisGirl said...

too funny. lying daffodils. truthful tulips. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your spring photo is just beautiful and I am glad to here your winter is dead.

Sylvia said...

So lovely, beautiful texture work and quote !
Enjoy Spring :-)

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautifully done Barbara. Our daffs are blooming and the tulips are budded. It's been very warm and sunny here since Friday. I'm loving it!

Unknown said...

That really is lovely! I planted a bunch last fall but they are late bloomers but pushing up now...I really like the treatment to the photo

Nancy said...

I'm so happy you had fun with the texture Barb -- really such a beautiful photo. xo

Anonymous said...

It's funny, but here in the South, tulips cannot be relied upon as a sign of Spring. Too many times they have been "decapitated" by frost! Lovely image!

Susan said...

Love this, and the quote is beautiful!

Nicki said...

My tulips said 'no way, no how' this year and didn't make an appearance. I've been told that they sometimes slip every other year - but maybe that person was just trying to make me feel better.

We're hitting 80 degrees - yesterday and the few days before it was in the 50s. Gotta love this stuff, right!?!

Very pretty image.

MEcoy said...

that is a cute quote :)
and your shot suits it

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

No tulips in bloom here yet in our yard at least. The daffodils are all bloomed out too.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous shot and great edit! Glad you've finally got spring weather!

Ida said...

Hooray for spring showing up for you! Wonderful and Sweet edit of the tulips. I didn't have any this year but will next as I purchased a bunch of new bulbs to plant this fall. That quote is perfect for your photo.

Latane Barton said...

ah, yes, winter is dead.... finally. the tulips are blooming and the grass is green. Oh, lovely spring.

shirley said...

Very true - the daffodils and the tulips. But things appear to be late this year, even the daffodils didn't bloom until recently!
Lovely photos - and say hi to Massachusetts for me - I grew up in central MA.

amanda said...

This is lovely! You are definitely ahead of us here in northern Minnesota in the spring department.. we're getting there. But it doesn't feel like we're there yet. :)

Stratoz said...

Spring rocks!