Thursday, July 3, 2014

Good Country Fences...

My daughter, Carrie, and I got back from our travels around 2 in the afternoon yesterday and today, I am moving kind of slowly.  The weather is above my comfort zone in both temperature and humidity.  But they have downgraded Hurricane Arthur so that by the time it hits us tomorrow, we shouldn't suffer from it much if at all.  So that's good!

On our way out to Ohio to see family, Carrie and I passed through some rural areas and I managed to find a few fences along the way.  This first one looks a little inadequate to the size of the cow, but I don't imagine she is going anywhere.

This cow also served as the last entry in my Flickr 365 Project.  Yay!  I am done!!

Being done with my 365 doesn't mean I didn't pick up my camera frequently while we were gone.  Here are a couple more fence pics that I took out in the country first in Pennsylvania near DuBois and in Ohio somewhere around Ashland.

I'm hooking up with Theresa's Good Fences.  And I'm glad to be back.


TexWisGirl said...

lovin' ms. elsie's cousin, there...

beautiful shots of the midwest! love 'em! happy to have you back and hopefully blogging more often, too!

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

That cow is the type of thing I search out in my travels, the weirder the better. Thank you for visiting my Good Ocean Fence. Like you Greyhound pictures below. We once had a Whippet. Both are neat dogs.

Brian King said...

Congrats on finishing 365! I love the second to last photo!

Gail Dixon said...

Yes, the 2nd to last photo is my fave too! Great way to end your 365. I need to do that again since it's been 4 years. Definitely a fun project. Glad you are back!

kat from ky. said...

My sister lives up in the forest north of DuBois, Pa! Elk, mountain lions&bears oh my! Nice shots!

Rose said...

I'd hate to have to milk that cow!!!

I love that shot under it so appealing.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well done on your completed challenge. Love the 3rd shots as it looks like a peaceful country scene

Buttons Thoughts said...

That is a mighty big cow:) Love your fences. B

eileeninmd said...

The cow is cute! I love the barn/fence shot.. Have a happy 4th of July!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that cow could step right over that fence.. beautiful cow and fence and love the rural fences you found...

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the huge cow - MOO!! i feel like i have seen one of those before. maybe while on our travels. ( :

Debbie said...

congrats on finishing your 365 project, that must feel great!!

nice rural images today!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Looks like a great road trip, Barbara, and a happy ending as well. congrats on completion of your 365 project.