Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bugs on plants and one good fence…

I was looking around at the photos I’ve taken in the last couple of weeks and found that I have been taking a lot of shots of bugs.  There’s a bear and a bobcat roaming around our neighborhood, but I am only getting bugs.  Oh, well…guess I’m hanging around in the wrong places.  But since that’s what I’ve got, I will post a few bugs today. 

One problem with bugs is that they refuse to be fenced in.  Still I want to participate in Good Fences on Theresa’s Run*A*Round Ranch Report so I am also posting one good fence.  This fence is there to keep people from driving into Quaboag Pond in Brookfield, Massachusetts.  It seems to be working for that, but it would do nothing to keep the bugs out or in.


TexWisGirl said...

love the last view, but love your buggy pals, too. :)

dieter michalek said...

wonderful pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that last sign on the fence is so true and applies to daily living also... beautiful flowers and buggie boos

Unknown said...

Your bugs hang out in awful purty places! You know, we also have a bobcat hanging around...seen it twice now....never saw a wild one before

ellen b said...

Great bugs and fence!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

The fourth shot of the Lily is stunning. Great 'bug'shots but that last photo has a wonderful view.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

awesome bugs!!! i keep seeing dragonflies every where lately. been working outdoors. just saw one - he was probably the size of my hand. super great!! ( :

neat lighting in your fence shot.

Gail Dixon said...

Great insect shots!! This is what I shoot a lot of in the summer because the birds are too difficult to spot in the thick trees. That last image is spectacular!

Roan said...

Cool critters. Love that last dragonfly shot and the Robert Frost quote is perfect for good fences!

eileeninmd said...

Cool bugs, but I really love the view in the last shot! Great quote and fence photo.

Debbie said...

omgoodness, I LOVE that fence!!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Beautiful view beyond the fence! I love the shots of the bugs, too. Be careful of the bear and bobcat! I would love to see them--from a distance. :-)

Anonymous said...

Really good post. Fence shot is beautiful.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like all these photos but especially the first one! Fabulous!

BumbleVee said...

I've often thought it would be handy to be a bug some days get in or out of places I can't get...but, the day would come when somebody like me would squash me.... acckkdk! not good!!

Nicki said...

A good time of year to take advantage of the interesting bugs out there - and if you happen across the bear and bobcat, well - guess you can call it the trifecta.

Nice close-ups.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous colors in these!

Leave It To Davis said...

Lovely shots of your bugs and flowers and relaxing shot of the water and fence!

Rose said...

Bugs are better than nothing! Love the sky in the fence well as the lines on it.