Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Keeping track of time again…

We will be on the road starting tomorrow to find some warmer weather, but for now, I will finish my year in review.

July was uneventful except that our daughter Carrie had her 30th birthday.  Where does the time go?  Otherwise, we just rambled on like usual. This photo is apropos of nothing except that Carrie and I both like butterflies and it was taken in July.

In August, Greg and I drove north through New Hampshire with a stop to drive up Mount Washington, through Maine, through New Brunswick, Canada and onto Prince Edward Island – a place I’ve wanted to go for a very long time.  Then we came home via Nova Scotia, then Campobello Island and Maine where we stayed a couple of nights with our friends Linda and Brian.  A good trip all around.

Looking out over the lake in Brian and Linda's back yard.
We got lucky with a loon siting right at golden hour.
Aside from the fact that I consider Opening Day of Baseball as the true New Year Day, my year usually really begins in September.  I get busier with meetings and such.  This year was no exception.  But we had some fun, too.  Our neighbors, the McGuires, had a great pool-warming party and that doesn’t mean we all stood in their pool and peed.  It was a beautiful, mild but cool night and a wonderful gathering of neighbors and friends.  But only the kids went in the pool.

This is Walker Pond, not the McGuire's pool.
October was uneventful except for the gorgeous autumn leaves.

I started physical therapy in November for a sciatica problem and though I faithfully attended all sessions and did the exercises, I didn’t get any relief that was long-lasting.  So I was feeling a bit off-centered and old in November.  But we had a very nice Thanksgiving with the kids at a local restaurant and I continue to feel very thankful for so many things in my life with the possible exception of compressed discs in my back that my doctor says is “normal aging.”  Oh, well…

Now, here we are at the end of December and the end of another year.  My mother’s health continues to decline and another good friend has been diagnosed with cancer.  News of the world does its best to try to push me into despair.  But every day, I witness human kindness, small and grand, and it gives me hope.  I’ve been watching out my kitchen window seeing the birds, squirrels and chipmunks going about their daily business.  I think that they know more than I do about the resilience of our Mother, the Earth.  And in our inevitable way, we will join the birds and squirrels and Chip and Dale in going forward into a new year to witness the wonders and splendors of the Earth, small and grand.

My hope for you all as we enter 2015 is that your joys outweigh your sorrows on every count.  Blessed be.


kat from ky. said...

Thank you dear friend. I wish the same to you going into the new year. Chronic pain tries its best to conquer me too. I have been dealing with it for 24 yrs now. I do find joy in nature and your blog. Love, Kat

TexWisGirl said...

i am sorry for the back troubles. i hope you will have a great 2015 waiting for you to discover!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one cool scrabble New Year greeting. sorry your sciatic nerve is still giving problems.. sounds like your year was good and bad and I wish for you many good blessings in 2015

Pamela Gordon said...

HI Barb. I really enjoyed the two episodes of your yearly review in photos. That was quite an accomplishment to post a photo a day for a year. Happy New Year to you!

Kerri Farley said...

An absolutely beautiful post!

Brian King said...

The butterfly is beautiful and I love the reflection in Walker Pond! That's awesome! Great trees in the second to last shot! Happy New Year!

Nicki said...

A nagging back can suck all the fun out of ... well, pretty much everything. I am glad you clarified that the lake was in fact not the neighbor's pool (this is not something we assume here in the sticks - lol!).

Wishing you a Happy New Year with good health, happiness, and harmony.

Susan said...

Back troubles are the worst. Just when you think you can move, you can't. I love, love, love your photos! Happy New Year and get well soon!

Deanna said...

Oh dear, back troubles. Hoping that the New Year will bring peace and abundance and pain-free times. Happy New Year!!

Linda said...

Hi Barbara...
Such lovely photos of your year...
I also have sciatica...touch wood, hasn't flared up in a few months....
Linda :o)