Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Oranges and Apples...

I’m sitting here very grateful that we have power.  We are currently about half-way through the  nor’easter that was predicted for coastal eastern United States and, boy, do we have us some snow.  But, here in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, the winds that were predicted haven’t arrived yet, so the power remains on.  It’s very cold out, making the snow light and fluffy, not that I’ve tested it yet.  But, I will tell you from much past experience, the light and fluffy beats the heavy, wet stuff any day of the week.

One of my Facebook friends asked if this weather has made me miss Florida yet.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I like visiting Florida, particularly the area where we just were in the northern panhandle, but I’m not, nor will I ever be, someone who would be comfortable living in Florida.

  This is no criticism of the Sunshine State, it’s more a statement of what I like and who I am.  And while this crazy, winter weather can certainly make one miserable for a time, it will pass a lot quicker than the hot, summer days in Florida pass.  They have a misery all their own, in my book.  And I would miss  seeing a winter snowfall now and then.  Of course, I'm not talking blizzard here, but the nice, quiet, normal snow that comes with a nice, normal New England winter.

But it’s oranges and apples.  I am a northern, cool weather loving person and that’s just the way it is.  Different strokes for different folks, right?!

But I took a few pictures while we were in Apalachicola at the beginning of the year.  Don’t say you’re surprised.  And I will post a few here today to contrast with what’s going on outside my window.  Okay, it does look a tad bit inviting, I must admit, but there’s no going back except digitally at this point.

Greg does love his oysters from Up the Creek.

Olive doesn't like oysters, but it doesn't keep her from begging.  She is a dog after all.

The weather wasn’t all that great while we were in Florida.  Okay, it was better there than here temperature-wise, but aside from a couple of sunny days in Apalachicola, it was drab, overcast and cool.  Still, you can’t beat a view like this no matter what the weather.

Here are the oranges:

This was taken off the balcony of the condo we rented on Inlet Beach.  The light, fluffy stuff here is sand.
And here are the apples:

This is not sand.
Hey, the juncos seem to be okay with it.

Stay safe, friends, no matter what the weather has in store for you!


TexWisGirl said...

glad you're okay for now! i don't think i could live in florida, either. the humidity, the wood rot, the no-seeums, etc. but it's a great place to visit!

cute olive!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh take care I am a winter loving girl myself so I understand the no beach thing:) Snow is pretty, thinking of you in the storm stay safe. Hug B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am an orange person, just like you are the apple person. and it is a good thing we all like different places or we would be stacked all in one spot on top of each other, think Hong Kong... i love that beach view but would not want to live in that part of Florida. it gets to cold there, they even have ice and flurries and below freezing. think mid Florid tropics is my orange. Olive looks so cute and she is an apple i could love.. that little bird just below her is beautiful. great shot

Juliana said...

Mega-positive post!)))

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

Debbie said...

We only got 6 inches (the hubs measured with a yard stick) on tv, they said we got 10 inches in my town ;)

It is so beautiful and I took lots of pictures but they all look the same as the last time it snowed. I need to get more creative!!

We will never live in Florida, it's too hot in the summer and I kinda like the four seasons!!

Debbie said...

oohhhh and the junco, one of my favorites in the snow!!

Unknown said...

well, the weather is confused here as usual...all that nice snow...now ice pellets and freezinf rain...NS does not have nice winter weather. I think your winters must be much nicer

Always great images and Olive looks smashing in her blue outfit!

Hope your electric holds

Pamela Gordon said...

Oranges and apples all right! I like the contrasting photos. The one of the beach is beautiful. We got 30 cm. of snow here today after 20 on Saturday night and 20 more coming on Friday night/Saturday and another 20 next Monday!!! I think i'd like to go south for a while now. lol By the way, 30 cm. is about a foot of snow. Have a cozy evening.

Carol O said...

What a beautiful pic of those delicious oysters. If/ when the snow gets you feeling down, just use your imagination. On our drive to Chicago last week I pretended the white patches along the highway were white sand. The illusion really works if you blast the heat in the car and squint!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Barbara, I agree with your comments about where you live as opposed to your recent road trip. As former NJ natives, we also enjoy the 4 seasons which we didn't get much of living in the eastern shore of VA the past 12 years and why we decided to relocate. Nashua, NH got over 30 inches from this storm and we were comfy indoors watching it and enjoying the scene.
Thanks for the tip on New Years Day travel. We are planning a southern road trip, which will include stops in FL as well as GA and states in between and maybe can start it next Jan 1.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Forgot to add...now that we are nearly neighbors in NE, perhaps we can all meet up one day as we really like road trips and have never been to Sturbridge, MA.

Nicki said...

As they say, hang in there, this too shall pass. You are correct about the hot Florida summers - every oasis has its flaws. Enjoy your weather imposed break and once the roads are passable, enjoy. I am grateful that as seasons go, we generally get some of the best of both worlds - just enough winter, and generally, just enough humid summer.

Rose said...

Hoping you still have power...do you have a power generator for times that you are without power? Just to keep the necessities going?

I would not mind going south for a month or so in the winter. I would not want to live there all year. And like you, I do like to see some snow!