Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Watching the barns whiz by....

While we traveled from Massachusetts to New York and then back from New York to Massachusetts this past weekend, I kept myself amused by taking photos out the car window.  I have to admit that on the backroads of New York, one can find many great old barns.  So I snapped away as we moved along.

Taking photos out of car windows is not all that successful most of the time.  And these photos I am posting tonight aren’t all that great, but I like these barns and decided that I will put aside my pride (what little I have, anyhow) and share them even though they are a bit on the blurry side.  I tried to use various processing tricks to disguise that but as the cliché goes:  They are what they are. 

Maybe someday we can take the time to stop when we see a barn coming and I will do them justice,
 but until then….


Anonymous said...

Ohhh Barbara, you must link up this post on Monday for Barn Charm... they're gorgeous!

magda said...

Wonderful photos from the car!!!
Many greetings

TexWisGirl said...

i think they're beautiful! and i was going to send you to Tricia's too, but she beat me to it. :)

LOVE the tall one with the gazebo. :)

Asiong32 said...

barn charm...i love it! i wanna see a real barn someday. there are no barns like that here in the philippines.

Karen said...

I am thinking ''Witness'' and Harrison Ford....was he driving??

Barbara Franceschini said...

lovely shot!!!
the light is fantastic!

My photoblog:

Love for Food and Photography said...

thank you for sharing the lovely images! I'm always sorry when I see from the car a landscape or else and I do not have the time to photograph it.

Hi! I am LiLi! said...

Oh! These are lovely.

Thinking Out Loud

Debbie said...

i think they are gorgeous as well!! i had tricia's link all ready to share with you!!

you don't give yourself enough credit, i think they are fabulous!!

Carole said...

Sometimes drive-bys come out quite nicely, as yours have. I love that first barn peeking out from behind the trees. :-)


Stratoz said...

wonderful barns

Rose said...

I like ALL of these...I think they are fine drive-by shots.

EG CameraGirl said...

Drive by? Really?? You did very well, much better than I could have done!

Anonymous said...

These came out great for TTWP (through the windshield photography) as I call it. Since I travel with just my cat (who has no interest in photography) I have taken many pictures through the windshield, some good, most bad. You did great!

Tanya Breese said...

they are all just beautiful and i couldn't even tell that they were drive bys!

Mari said...

A whole selection of good ones. Nice shots!