Friday, February 14, 2014

Random Five Friday: Snow Days…

1)  We got around 10 to 12 inches of snow in this last round of wild winter weather.  But we were very glad that it was all snow and not the dreaded wintry mix.  Snow is much easier to deal with.

2)  The weather has caused us to have a couple of unusual visitors to our birdfeeders.  Yesterday and today, I saw what I think is a Carolina Wren.  I am not positive of the identification though so if you know, I would appreciate it if you could tell me.  We also had a crow who was slumming under our feeder but he wouldn’t turn around so I could get a good picture.

3)  Here’s what it looks like at the end of our driveway.  I feel sort of like I’m living in a shopping mall with that big pile, but my trip to the grocery today made me realize that there are much bigger piles of the white stuff around town.

4)  I like snow and winter but I find it rather amazing that there is such a HUGE difference in comfort level between 15 degrees and 30 degrees.  Today felt rather balmy around here and seeing the sun is almost always good.  I guess that shouldn't really be a surprise.  After all, there's a HUGE difference in comfort level between 72 and 85, too.

5)  So today is Valentine’s Day.  Do you celebrate it?  Early on in our relationship, Greg made it clear that he wasn’t one to celebrate “Hallmark” holidays, so it’s just another day to us.  I minded a bit at first, but it also lets me off the hook, so these days I am okay with it.

Linking up to A Rural Journal's

Random 5 Friday!


TexWisGirl said...

love that snow pile! :) and, yes, i'd say that was a carolina. :)

diane said...

We got 11 inches yesterday, too!
Expecting more dang snow tomorrow and then again Monday night into Tuesday. Dang! I am so tired of it!
Love your shots! I just love bird shots!
Have a great weekend
diane @ thoughts and shots

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh the wren & the cardinal are gorgeous birds. i love the wren - they have a gorgeous tune. ( :
happy <3 day!! how do you know hallmark made up "valentine's day"? curious? i am mad a hallmark right now - but that is another story for another day. ha. ha!! ( ;

Nicki said...

Well, when you put it like that (all those snow pics) I'll stop complaining right here and now. (we are supposed to get some more snow tonight but it would only qualify as a flurry by New England standards.) Lovely shot of the Cardinal and so those are Carolina Wrens - they've made an appearance in our neck of the woods too.

PS - I could totally do without Valentine's Day, but my husband enjoys it. Go figure!

The Furry Gnome said...

I'm still really enjoying our snow. Saw a snow bank yesterday as high as the lower telephone wires! Walked right over the top of a fence on my snowshoes. And yes, for us there's a huge difference between -10 and -20.

Rohrerbot said...

I'm with you on number 5. Not into these goofy holidays. Enjoy the snow though:)

EG CameraGirl said...

I've never seen a Carolina I'm jealous. I like winter too but I know a lot of people have been tired of it since December... or maybe November. ;))

Leave It To Davis said...

We must be married to twins. My hubby says the same thing. The only time he bought me a box of candy was on our first Valentines Day after we got married. He left it on the back of the toilet. lol And that's what he thought about the whole matter....just a bunch of s***! I, too, have grown use to the idea after 41 years. I laugh when I see women at work get bouquets of flowers because I know most of those men only did it because they knew if they didn't, there would be Hell to pay! That isn't love. That's fear.

kat from ky. said...

I am now officially "snowed out" instead of in! As I type it is snowing once again. Love the wren, our feeders have attracted these beauties on several occasions. Of course we are farter south. Valentine Day has always held a special place for me since I was born into it so I cannot ignore it!

Lynn said...

Gorgeous photos and that is a bit too much snow for me though beautiful. VD is the same at our house.

Nancy said...

What a cute wren -- I bet he wishes he'd waited a bit to visit your area. That's alot of snow!

alp said...

Estupendas imágenes... Un beso desde Murcia

Sarah Huizenga said...

Our driveway looks like that too.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh your photos are gorgeous I love the look of lots of snow and the Cardinal is beautiful. We do not make a big deal out of that holiday I did make some chocolate cupcakes they turned out to be very ugly:) but tasted good:) B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with all that snow I am glad to see you are posting and have power and are safe... love the valentine bird in the snow...

Brian King said...

Beautiful snow photos! Love the wren. We have a couple at our feeders. Crows are one of my favorites, but we don't get them in the yard.

Gail Dixon said...

I am not really a romantic sort, but my husband is, so we observe all the Hallmark holidays. After 24 years I am running out of things to write in his cards!

You guys really have gotten a lot of snow. Hope it melts away soon along with warm weather. Enjoyed your wintery photos, though. :)

Willow said...

Loved seeing that little wren .
The cardinal is spectacular too.
We had a blizz here in our
neck of the woods last night was pretty this morn.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I do like seeing the snow scenes, Barbara, after all this IS still winter. Also, we do celebrate Hearts Day, except for the exchange of cards, many of those and lots of candles (always).

Kerri Farley said...

LOVE your Mr Red in the snowy tree! and I do believe that first one is a Carolina Wren :)

Rose said...

Oh, yes, Carolina favorite bird. They have such a huge song for such a little body...if you haven't heard it go to all about birds and listen.

It was a mess weathewise here, so no real celebrating here.

Oh, love your cardinal shot.