Friday, February 21, 2014


1)  There are many things I like about winter in New England.  We get snow, but we also get a lot of sunny days here.  Today is a notable exception, however.  It’s foggy and drizzly.  But on those days that are sunny, the sky is BLUE.  It is bluer in the winter than it ever is in the summer and that blue may just be my favorite color.

2)  The icicles this year have been really amazing.  I managed to catch a few photos of them before they began to drip out of existence.  While I’ve seen larger ones that I didn’t manage to capture, I think a one-story icicle is still pretty impressive.

I titled this "Sick of Winter."  This is the public library in Brookfield, Massachusetts.

3)  I’ve seen a lot of American Robins around in our yard this winter.  To me, that seems like a new phenomenon, but I have a friend who claims that Robins have always been around in the winter, they just change their habits and spend more time in the woods where they have more natural shelter and food and spend less time out in the open.  I truly believe Dianne because she tends to know about such things, but it still seems strange to me to see them wandering around the yard throughout the winter.  I grew up thinking of them as harbingers of spring.  These days they don’t really bring any good news with them.  Still, I must admit, they are nice little flashes of color when they are around.

4)  Yep.  It’s a foggy, drizzly and generally ugly day today in Central Massachusetts...a reminder that we aren’t really that far away from Mud Season.

5)  I am an exceptionally messy cook.  I definitely need an apron.  I used to have one.  What the heck ever happened to that thing??  Anyhow, I was perusing Crate and Barrel the other day and they happened to have one on sale.  I bit and ordered it.  Here it is.  I love it.  The fabric is a Vera design.  I think it might make me want to cook more vegetables and even if it doesn't, it will help save my clothes.




Barb said...

Your snow and ice photos are great - I like the "person" formed by ice at the library. I'm a messy cook, too, but never wear aprons - though I have a couple given to me as gifts. (Perhaps a hint of what I SHOULD be doing?) I love our CO blue skies, but they've been few and far between this winter.

Sylvia said...

Great winter scenes, Barbara, I really love the foggy one too !
We haven't had snow this winter ... yet, it feels like spring here ...
I never wear aprons, yours is so pretty !
Nice weekend,

kat from ky. said...

Love the icicles Barb, you know those things have been known to kill people! We had some at least 5' long this year! I I thought that looked like a person too!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

those icicles look so dangerous. deadly. wow!

i love your new apron ... so pretty. great colors. i wonder about the robin too - i have seen several. one almost got in the way of our car ... they really do need to learn how to fly properly.

how is Olive? warm & snuggling, i hope. ( :

TexWisGirl said...

love the 'widow-maker' icicles! :) and that 'barfing' one is too funny! i like your header, too. robins definitely have been staying thru seasons these years.

Buttons Thoughts said...

The icicles are very impressive and that apron is very cool. I seen a whole flock of Robins in our Cedar bush in January it was magnificent. Spring is coming:) B

Brian King said...

Love the first photo! Nice barn! Those icicles are quite impressive! It looks like they were hanging off the roof...that would be a lot of extra weight on the gutters. I saw a very fat robin in the yard a few days ago. It's the first one I've seen all winter.

Debbie said...

We had ugly weather here at the shore as well today!! Around 3 pm we had an awesome storm, thunder and lightning!!

Your winter images are just amazing, I don't think I have ever seen icicles that big!!

I counted 22 robins in the yard yesterday and my oriole has been coming every day. It's so odd!!

Debbie said...

I forgot to say that I LOVE your header!!

Lynn said...

We used to see Robins in the snow where I grew up, (interior B.C. Can), here I'm surprized to see butterflies during winter. Those are some amazing icicles, and the blue sky and barn is a fabulous shot, those deep blue skies are hard not to love.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking the little robins are ready for spring to... that is the most amazing icicles ever... never seen them that long. love the library shot...and most of all that second house with the big porch... minus the icicles of course....

Karen Lakis said...

Winter in New England is so pretty - although yesterday was a foggy mess! I love your photo of the icicles and the rustic barn with the blue sky!

Nicki said...

Those are gutter rippers for sure. Beautiful New England images and bravo on the apron - long ago I used to wear one regularly, but now they fill one of the kitchen drawers.

Gail Dixon said...

Yikes! Those one-story icicles are incredible! I always thought seeing robins meant spring was around the corner too. Guess I still have a lot to learn about birds. Your images are all wonderful. :)

Unknown said...

I thought we had a few whopper icicles growing from our old roof, but we don't even come close! Amazing! Yes re the Robins...seems there are always a few hardy souls that don't go south, I heard just one this yr but never saw it. Wonderful winter images...we had savage wind last night and rain...but did not melt our tons of snow...celebrating very blue skies today where I live...cold is on the way again though ~

Helma said...

What a wonderful foto'zijn this!
The houses give you really good weather and you have an eye for detail.
In the Netherlands there is no snowflake cases and you guys.

Greetings, Helma

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Some nice shots. Like the large icicle at the library!

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Nancy said...

I need a new apron too! My husband borrowed mine for the trapping shed and I don't want it back! :)

Rose said...

Wow, huge icicles...I don't think I have ever seen any on a house quite that big.

Love the shot of the robin in the snow. I know Robins stay at my daughter's house in Indianapolis, and my brother lives there and say they stay there...but I NEVER see them here all through winter. and we are no farther north than them...just west about two hours.

I love to make aprons...and need to wear one because I am a messy cook. And I even have one or two that I have made but I never think to put them on.

Pamela Gordon said...

I missed a few posts so scrolled down to see these lovely winter scenes. The robin looks so pretty against the snow. Love the icicles on the buildings too. February is almost over. Yippee!