Monday, March 24, 2014

Facebook knows…

I had to take my Prius in today for an oil change.  There was a software update they wanted to do at the same time so I was stuck at the dealership for two hours.  I had just started reading The Cockroaches by Jo Nesbø so I wasn’t upset about having to sit around for a couple hours.  But at one point, I took a break to look at Facebook and decided to update my status to tell the world where I if the world cares.  But this is how the rest of the conversation went:

From my aunt:  Did you get a recall notice?

Me:  Yes.  They are updating the software.  Otherwise, it’s the usual countenance.  Gives me a good chance to dead.

Me:  I mean maintenance.  I don’t know where countenance came from.

Me:  AND I meant READ.  Dead…what’s up width that??

Friend from Canada:  fb is in your puter correcting your spelling for you…LOL!

Me:  They took a lot of leeway with width.

Me:  Or maybe that’s the Olde English-speaking.

Me:  Wow!  This thing is out of control today.

Friend from Ohio:  This is hilarious!  At least it didn’t change Prius to Reince Priebus.

Me:  What?  Lol.

Friend from Canada:  Prius?  Wait for it…Pretence…fb is testing your patience and listening to you wine…er…whine.

From my aunt:  I have an appointment Wednesday to get my software updated.  I’m going to leave the car for the day because it’s almost time for my 25,000-mile checkup.

Me:  I’ve got almost 60,000 on mine and it’s still ticking beautifully.

Me:  I wine…er…whine a lot, Friend from Canada.  lol.

Friend from Canada:  fb knows.

I did get a couple of odd glances from other people in the waiting room when I chuckled audibly.  I imagine that Facebook knew that, too.  But I sure hope that Reince Priebus isn’t keeping track of me.
  That would just be too weird.

No, I haven't lost my marbles.  As you can see, they are safely contained in a little glass bowl.


TexWisGirl said...

:) at least you're chuckling at the dealership as you're typing instead of carrying on a loud phone conversation for everyone to listen to!

Willow said...

You got a chuckle out go me :) lol

kat from ky. said...

I just started reading that author this week! So far I like what I am reading. I would love to have a Prius.(I'll pass on a Reince-!!too nuts for me!!) lol!

Gail Dixon said...

Too funny! I thnk that book might give me the heebie geebies tho!

Pamela Gordon said...

You gotta love spell check! Especially on a Mac. And of course typing with thumbs on a phone is always a challenge for me. I actually love your bowl of marbles and think they look very beautiful. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I enjoyed this--gave me my laugh out loud for the day. Auto correct can really be hilarious.

I drove a Prius rental car a few years ago when I hit a deer with my own car. I loved it--hated to give it back! :-)

Debbie said...

Auto reading your mind, NOT!! And I agree with tex, much better then having one of those conversations most people have in waiting areas!! I can't read or think until they get off the phone!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our pep boys auto just added wi fi...hope i don't need to use it.

Brian King said...

Sounds like auto-correct was messing with you. :-)

The Furry Gnome said...

I just get totally confused when I try to read Facebook.

Nicki said...

whenever I'm feeling a bit down, I turn to auto-correct - always good for am LOL! but I'm guessing FB already knew that too.

Nancy said...

At least you found some comedy in the situation. :)

Unknown said...

Facebook was just acting strange yesterday...they must be fiddling with it again...

Tanya Breese said...

lol...fb can be a little scary like that! love the marbles!