Monday, December 19, 2011

Barns of the Quiet Corner...

Last week I knew I wanted to go search for some barns to link up to Bluff Area Daily, Home of Barn Charm today.  I also knew that the best place around here to look is a bit south of us in Connecticut’s Quiet Corner, part of what is also known as The Last Green Valley that lies between the Shetucket and Quinebaug Rivers.

This is a beautiful area of woods, rolling hills and unapologetic small farms.  Our town, Sturbridge, Massachusetts, is technically part of The Last Green Valley…lucky us!  According to The Last Green Valley website, the Valley “is half the size of the Grand Canyon National Park…Forest and farmland make up 78% of its 695,000 acres, yet it lies only an hour from three of New England’s four largest urban areas.”  To me, having the opportunity to live here in the Valley is the most incredible luck.

So I knew that Connecticut’s Quiet Corner was where I wanted to go barn hunting.  Driving into that area is like driving into a decompression chamber.  The air feels brighter.  The traffic is definitely lighter.  The small towns have indescribable charm.  It is fundamentally an area of uncomplicated, commonplace beauty.  It is a link to our past and a hope for our future.


TexWisGirl said...

these are beautiful! what is that fog/smoke in that one shot? any idea?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

OMG! What a small world....I just moved to TLGV...aka A Quiet Corner....JP...:)

barbara l. hale said...

I believe that the fog/smoke in the second pic is most likely an outdoor furnace. You seem them quite a bit around here.

Anonymous said...

I like the first barn as the windows seem to really stand out. I thought maybe a reflection of the light but that side is in shadow. Whatever, it looks nice.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You found some beautiful barns on your drive!

Nancy said...

These are beauties! Nothing like what we have here in Nebraska. :)

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful barns...i love the one with the flag!

Jan n Jer said...

Gorgeous barns in a lovely part of the country! Great shots!

EG CameraGirl said...

Picturesque barns in what appears to be gently rolling countryside. I love the weathered red in the first photo.

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful sets of barns and each one has it's own character. ^_^
Merry Christmas!

Kim, USA

Margaret said...

Truly, barn building raised to an artistic level. And your photography captured their souls, I think! :)

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images... they are all so lovely to see..

Susan said...

Wow, beautiful photos.

Rose said...

Oh, you posted a fine series of barns. I am glad we don't have to pick a favorite!

Karen said...

wonderful,wonderful buildings...wishing you and yours a magical Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

"Think of the photo ops one year from today" now that is funny! Thank you for that one. (:^))

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my kind of place! Certainly some beautiful barns you've shown here, esp the 1st one!

I'm very late this week visiting Barn Charmers, so sorry!

Thanks so much for joining =)

Barbara Franceschini said...

great work!!
i love the third shot!! :D

My photoblog:

Love for Food and Photography said...

How would be nice to visit those valley, I find that barns are so fascinating!
Thank you for the good explication that helped to virtually come visit that place!

have a Merry Christmas,

genie said...

Amazing and beautiful captures of some gorgeous barns. Your processing is awesome. Very talented. I have really enjoyed looking at them over and over again. The last one in particular makes me think of a barn church. It is so dear. The lighting in that particle shot is awesome. genie

Ginny Hartzler said...

The last picture looks like a church or a little schoolhouse. And the second picture, so interesting! It looks like two different kinds of barns together!

Debbie said...

wow, great barns, awesome pictures of them!!

this is my favorite sharing place!

Tina´s PicStory said...

your barns are wonderful! ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I thought i was on the wrong blog when I saw A Quiet Corner, since i follow Anglea who just moved to A Quiet Corner and named her blog that. i see she wrote on your post today. these barns are beyond charming and I would love to visit this corner of the world. i crave quiet, in our home we never here quiet, street noise, helicopters and planes and sirens are constant noise and add the lawn mowers and blowers and I crave scenes like you posted today.

Jen Umm said...

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!!

this is incred, love the photos
Great post, thanks for sharing!

if you like we can follow each other on bloglovin :)
let me know!