Wednesday, December 7, 2011

California dreaming…

It’s an ugly, messy and very rainy day here in Massachusetts.  I thought I would go back to California for a couple hours.  I feel like I didn’t get a chance to spend much time with my photos from when Greg and I went there in October since soon after we got home we got socked with a foot of snow with the power outages and all the mess to clean up.  So indulge me as I go back for a little while.

I have been seeing a bit about the Santa Ana winds lately.  They look pretty frightening.  I guess we all have our weather crosses to bear in this world.  It was beautiful when we were there except for the bit of smog in Los Angeles.  Still, you’ll hear no complaints from me.  We had a great time while we were in L.A.

Let me introduce you to Fred who lived in our hotel room in L.A.  Poor lonely Fred is probably still there in our room as he cost about $6.00.  I think that’s a bit too much for a bottle of Fred.  Sorry, Fred.

This is a Bugatti that was parked on Rodeo Drive.  Greg informed me that it is a fairly rare and very expensive automobile.  I guess whoever owns this puppy just stopped into bijan to pick up a few trinkets.  Personally, I like my Prius but it would be fun to ride around in one of those fine autos just once.

I think that Cookie Monster is a long way from home.  He must be calling Big Bird to ask him how to to get to Sesame Street.

And here’s Greg and me at Carney’s where I had one of the best hot dogs that I’ve ever eaten in my entire life.  Man, that was good!  I’d fly back to L.A. just to go there.


TexWisGirl said...

fun bunch of photos! yeah, i'd not like to be in those winds either!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for taking me with you, it was fun! Both my hubby and I have never heard of this car, it's really something else! That's so funny, fancy water called Fred!! Wonder who Fred really is?

Love for Food and Photography said...

The first one with the surfer is really amazing!!!
I've never been to California but yes it should be very interesting and different, like your today's images!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is the last one, the reflections of silhouettes. what a great trip

Diane AZ said...

I'm from Los Angeles and I don't miss the Santa Ana winds but I do miss the Pacific Ocean. Nice action shot of the surfer!

The Nature Jotter said...

Beautiful! The first photo lokks like a wallpaper! :)

Karen said...

my son went to LA last year and loved much he is going back in 2012!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the info on the pumpkin and freezing it. i still have to get to the store to buy a few cans.

Tina´s PicStory said...

cool and beautiful! :)