Friday, December 16, 2011

On the Fence again…

Here we are at Fence Friday again.  Boy, the weeks go by fast.  But in preparation this time, Olive the pug and I walked down to see the horses.  I have seen the fence that surrounds the pasture where the horses graze ,oh, maybe a million times, but I never thought about how dilapidated it is.  I kind of like that.  It makes it much more interesting than a brand new, straight out of the box fence.

I did notice this time that part of it must have washed out with all the bad weather we’ve had and someone decided to do a makeshift repair.  That seems to work.  The horses don’t want to cross it.

The best part about going down to take photos of the fence is that the horses can’t resist coming to say “hello!”

Olive has gotten pretty used to the big guys by now and one of them is pretty interested in her.  I have to wonder what goes on in their heads when they see each other.

There was a new little fellow there this time, a pretty dark horse wearing red.  

Olive and I hung around for a little while talking to the horses.  But as it was late in the afternoon, the sun was pretty low in the sky and my fingers were getting pretty stiff and cold, we said good bye and headed home.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my fence. Your fence seems to be made up of everything except stones. Looks like a great place for a walk - peaceful and quiet. Have a nice weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

love that fence! and i've totally done some of those make-shift repairs using ropes, cables, anything to string across!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is my kind of fence. love it. i like old rustic and this fits that for sure. a beautiful spot to visit and the photos of the horses are so great. i love horses more than fences and I love fences. great post.

Love for Food and Photography said...

yes, the dark horse really looks curious to you even the ear posture compared to the red one that is not totally trusting :-)
nice serie of pictures Barbara

Ginny Hartzler said...

Such beautiful close-ups of the horses!! And this is probably the most dilapidated fence I have ever seen! I also notice different parts of it are made of all kinds of different materials, wire, wood, metal.

Anonymous said...

I like old fences, too, better than new... there's more history in the old ones, they have more stories!

The horses are gorgeous, of course, & I wonder what they think of each other... a pug & a horse?!! LoL! =)

Debbie said...

the fences are great but the pictures of the horses took my breath away!!

RobertN said...

Beautiful photos!! Have a nice day!

Stratoz said...

love that first photo! trees just don't want to stop growing

Lady Fishbone said...

me too i love the first photo....
have a great day! :)

Nancy said...

Looks very much like my surroundings, which makes me feel so calm when I view your photos. Lovely captures. :)

ebru özgün said...

incredible Barbara...

Rose said...

These are wonderful...I didn't get visiting done the last two weeks of Friday's Fences. Oh, I got a few done, but not all as I normally do.

Barb said...

I think I'd love walking with you if this is what you find on your travels :) Great photos and thank you for following my blog.