Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fun with Feathers…

There have been a lot of crows hanging around in our yard lately.  Murders of them.  But every time I get my camera out, they laugh at me in the way they do and fly away.  But they have left a few feathers around and I grabbed one for last Sunday’s Scavenger Hunt because I thought the prompt was “light” and what is lighter than a feather??  Well, the prompt was actually “eight” so I have a bunch of feather pictures (more than eight actually) that I didn’t ultimately need.  But I liked them so I decided to mess with them and this is what I came up with.

This is my new "Cover photo" on Facebook.  I think it's apropos considering the things people say on Facebook.


Nicki said...

I especially like how you processed the last two. I've noticed more crow around than usual - year of the crow?

barbara l. hale said...

I'm ok with that. I love crows.

Brian King said...

Nice work, Barbara! Very art-like! Feathers are cool. If I used a cover photo I felt was appropriate for FB, I'd probably get banned. FB drives me crazy. :-)

barbara l. hale said...

I hear you about FB, Brian. But I do like that it keeps me in touch with family and friends I don't get to see often. That's a good thing. I just don't want to know what they are eating for breakfast or what their political views are.

TexWisGirl said...

great job, barbara!

sorry about the earlier issues w/ text on my post. i've fixed it to be legible now. it's an old country store in former cotton country.

MEcoy said...

i love what you did on those feathers

RobertN said...

Beautiful post!

Rose said...

I love what you did with those last two...they are WONDERFUL!

Helma said...

Hello Barbara,

I find this really beautiful pictures. When I see those feathers I think back to the Indians and their headdresses. Your first picture I really super and your second spell with that too. I do not have facebook but now I can see your ID with this spring.

Warmest regards, Helma

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work !

Shaun said...

What a beaut that new cover photo is.... excellent work.

Deno said...

The shadow effect on the first one is very cool. I like the processing on them all.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh it makes a huge different how photos are processed. sandie

Debbie said...

these are just beautiful barb!! i really liked the last one, and your comment about facebook.

beautiful edit!!

Fotokarusellen said...

A beautiful post, m friend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that first shot..

Stratoz said...

Fun in deed. Birds can be very particular of when they want you to see them

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