Monday, July 30, 2012

Grey barns…

Here are a couple more of the barns Carrie and I saw on our trip out to western Massachusetts…

Linking to Bluff Area Daily's BARN CHARM.


TexWisGirl said...

both are really pretty shots - and your processing is beautiful!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the grey ... wow. so great. (:

Brian King said...

Love those! The wood is awesome. Beautiful settings!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would live in that barn in the first photo, what a beautiful place and a wonderful photo of it

Chatty Crone said...

Even though they need painting they are beautiful - very rustic looking and they are big! sandie

MEcoy said...

you sure love barns dont you

RobertN said...

Beautiful shots!

Rose said...

Wonderful images...would love either one as a jigsaw puzzle.

Tanya Breese said...

i love both of these! can't pick a favorite here!

Kathy said...

The placement of the windows and the door on the second photo is very interesting. Both of these barns are huge!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hello Bard, just came across your blog while reading several blogs and found bloggers I read who have also posted before me...indeed a smaller world! We are currently visiting New England and staying in NH where we hope to relocate if and whe we sell our VA home. I enjoyed your barns and a few previous posts, but didn't have time to read all. Please do feel free to visit our little blog spot anytime. said...

Beatiful photos, both!
Ingun. Norway

Mary said...

That is hugh...and lovely. A charming barn for sure.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love the rustic wood on these and how they are nestled in the trees.

Debbie said...

really lovely old barns, the worn wood is beautiful!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What great photos! They look like postcards and make me want to head back to Massachusetts!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine tours to explore those two? They're huge! I would sooo love to see what every little space is used for inside them both! WoW!

Thank you, Barbara! =)

Anonymous said...

Nice find!

charm said...

And those were sure HUGE barns! They look years and years old but still look pretty attractive. Well, barns are really great subject to photography, I've got no doubt why many love to take barn pictures especially during county trips. Barns are just one of the best thing on the way.
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