Sunday, July 29, 2012


I found the prompts for this week (paint, green, eyelashes, shapes and clouds) particularly challenging, but I managed to come up with something for every one.

PAINT:  My medium has always been fabric and thread.  In my case, these are paint.

GREEN:  Until yesterday we have had very little rain this summer so it is a wonder that I found this very green field to photograph.

EYELASHES:  My son Evan was kind enough to let me take a few pics of his eyes to use for the eyelashes prompt.

SHAPES:  Since I was a kid, I’ve liked working jigsaw puzzles.  While I had cats, I couldn’t manage to keep them from stealing and hiding pieces so I gave it up for a while.  Remind me some day to tell you about the LEGO castle my son and I built together that my cat Asta took apart piece by piece.  Asta was also famous for carrying around Barbie doll heads and dropping them where ever she thought they would create the most drama.  Now that I don’t have any cats, I can work puzzles in peace and if there were still Barbies around here, they would be safe.  I’d rather have cats actually.

CLOUDS:  We had some pretty gorgeous and dramatic clouds drifting in and out of New England this week.  

Linking to Scavenger Hunt Sunday @


TexWisGirl said...

you always post some of the most artful photos for the scavenger hunts. :) and i love your clever 'paint'. :)

The Lady Okie said...

I love puzzles! We used to set up a huge one during Christmas and work on it a little each day.

Christy said...

Stunning clouds! You have a great set this week.

Andrea Dawn said...

Your paint and puzzle shots are just gorgeous. I just love them both. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these great inspirations - most impressive the Puzzle picture indeed. Please have a good new week.

Unknown said...

What gorgeous clouds! Good job. And I like the puzzle pieces for shapes. Indeed!

Debbie said...

that green field, a sight for sore eyes!!

beautiful images for the prompts!!

Deanna said...

Really a lovely line-up this week. Love the fact your son let you take a pic of his eyelashes. The clouds are just beautiful!!

Brian King said...

Great photos, Barbara! I love the puzzle pieces shot and the clouds are beautiful!

Chatty Crone said...

Great photos and your son's eyelashes are very nice and handsome! sandie

Nellies said...

The clouds are beautiful, love the different colors in the sky!

Lizzy said...

I really like your interpretation of paint. Loved your story about your cat and legos.

Nicki said...

That field does look poorly. Jigsaw puzzle pieces for shapes is brilliant.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would love to have eye lashes like Evans. and love the yarn and the puzzle art.

MEcoy said...

great shots love that eye pic

Deno said...

I really like the puzzle. You make something simple look interesting.

Ashley Sisk said...

Such beautiful compositions! Love the whole set.

Stratoz said...

A fine hunt. Those clouds are splendid