Saturday, September 8, 2012

Feeling black and white…

I’ve been sitting at this computer most of today trying to get things ready for a meeting I have to go to tomorrow evening.  It’s true I should have done most of the work in the month since our last meeting, but I guess it’s a fact that I would rather mess with my photos and photo accessories than to do actual work.  So here I have been getting stuff done at the last minute.  I must admit to being pretty sick of looking at my computer screen.

Not only that, but pug Olive is staring out me with the most pitiful look.  It is past her dinner time and Greg isn’t home to feed her.  It is up to me to rescue my dog from the depths of despair, which she reaches every day about this time.  She is positive no one will remember to feed her and she will have to try to figure out how to open the food door herself.  Believe me, she much prefers to have her servants to do it for her.

Okay, enough said.  I am going to post a couple of black and white photos that I have been working on this week.  I know in advance that I won’t have time for the Scavenger Hunt tomorrow.  Bah!  Life is getting in the way of my photography.



Anonymous said...

Guess, the secret is, to see the colour even in these.

Please have a good Sunday.

Kerri Farley said...

These are super!
And I just hate it when works gets in the way :)

TexWisGirl said...

i like the silver shimmer in the top one. nice wave action in the 2nd.

good luck w/ the meeting! i'm gonna miss your scavenger post!

Tammy said...

Life does have a way of doing that. It's funny, I still have a sense of the colors in the second shot :)

genie said...

Work can certainly mess with our photo editing. Glad you had time for these. The second one is my favorite of the two. Love the splashing waters n it. Beautiful photography. genie

Chatty Crone said...

I enjoyed the black and white photos.

MEcoy said...

i love the drama of black and white

Brian King said...

These are beautiful photos! The mountains and the boat wake are really nice in the second one. Both are great black and whites!

RobertN said...

Beautiful choices for b&w!

HansHB said...

So nice to see this post! Great in B&W!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i do so hate when life gets in the way of my computer life.. and in our house at 3 pm if the dog food is not set down on the floor, they pester and get in our face until we stop what we are doing and feed them, so i am relating to your sweetie. they seem to know what time it is without a clock

Pieni Lintu said...

Wow...these are so pretty

Deanna said...

Oh boo hoo, don't like it when life gets in the way of our camera fun. Love your b&w's...hope your meeting goes well and Olive doesn't starve (hee hee).

Dragonstar said...

I love the first, and the spray of white water in the second is beautiful.

Stratoz said...

Splendid. I know how life can get in the way of art. Hope things have calmed down.