Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Archive dipping...

I dipped into my archives today and messed around with a photo I had no intention of leaving on my hard drive.  It is a challenge that I like....trying to turn something mediocre into something that I actually like.  Here it is for Tuesday Muse.


Unknown said...

I know I can't function without coffee. Or at least I don't want to..

Great photo.

Evelyn S. said...

Is Wallender a character in a book? I know him only from the PBS series...and I love him! This is a very "hearty" coffee scene...and it's great.

barbara l. hale said...

Thanks! Wallender is a character in a number of books. They are terrific books and I have read them all. By Henning Mankell.

TexWisGirl said...

i'm in agreement on the coffee need...

MEcoy said...

coffee seems yummy, but then i'd rather have some ice tea, it's freaking hot here

barbara l. hale said...

I think I know a few people who would switch places with you right now, MEcoy. We have had a cold winter. Personally, I don't mind one bit and I drink my coffee summer, winter, spring and fall.

Debbie said...

beautiful image!! i am a tea drinker but do like coffee flavored foods like ice cream and tiramisu!!

kat from ky. said...

I am with you Ms.Barbara! I drinh my joe 24/7/365!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful edit and i agree 100 percent with the quotes.

Deanna said...

Aha, Wallendar, great series on PBS. And I agree, no work is possible without coffee!!

Barbara said...

Coffee is also my cup of tea, great edit!

Unknown said...

Yup. No arguement here

Pamela Gordon said...

Nicely done. Good thing I'm not a police person. I rarely drink coffee. Today was one of those rare days.

Nancy said...

Love this Barb -- I've been stealing quotes from books lately as well -- a little more interesting than the usual fare. Well done.

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

I have to have my coffee in the morning, and I love the Henning Mankell quote...

Patrice said...

Amen - I can't live without my coffee!

Nicki said...

Excellent! Good save on the picture and perfect edit - loving the quote. I have found myself too hooked on coffee lately (found some new stuff at the store - big mistake)

Lynn said...

dynamic result, love it and your blog is terrific, if you are an amature photographer, you are an amature with a great eye!

Tanya Breese said...

ha, love it! i wouldn't want to start my day without it!

Susan said...

What a wonderful photo! And I love the quote. It's so true!

EG CameraGirl said...

You made me smile twice here. First, the quote. I am drinking coffee right now...waking up. Second, trying to turn a mediocre photo into something you like. Hmmm. I spent more than a little time yesterday doing the same thing. Sometimes it works for me, yesterday it didn't. I can laugh now but I was frustrated yesterday. :))

Anonymous said...

i am no coffee drinker, but i can say the same about my tea.