Saturday, March 16, 2013

It’s sprung!

Well, I guess spring hasn’t sprung officially yet but yesterday I got a really nice spring preview.  Carrie, my daughter, and I went to the Smith College Annual Bulb Show and we got enough spring there in one dose to take us through the next few days of winter.
Though we have been to the Smith College Annual Mum Show a couple of times in the fall, this was my first time at the spring show.  I must say, it was a wonderful color and fragrance blast after the gloomy winter we’ve had.
Of course, I took a lot of pictures.  But the ones I like best are the ones of the tulips and that is what I am posting today.  Here’s to spring!

Here we are enjoying the show.  This was taken in a gazing ball so we are a little distorted.  Well, at least in real life, Carrie's nose doesn't quite lean so far to the right.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

to funny on the gazing ball self portrait... the flowers are all stunning. i cant imagine how all this looked to you after you long winter.

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at your explanation of the bent nose. :)

love the tulips! beautiful.

Rohrerbot said...

Most excellent shots! Nicely done! Love the colors of the second and third shots.

Chatty Crone said...

I just L O V E your tulips! sandie

Kerri Farley said...

These are amazing!

Unknown said...

Those are beautiful shots. I can't wait to see some around here :)

Nicki said...

Simply gorgeous flowers and fun shot with the ball. And your header - you are knocking it out of the park with headers lately. I feel so inadequate with using the same ole, same ole and really need to up my game.

Deanna said...

Oh a breath of spring after the long winter is always a fun event. Beautiful tulips and the gazing ball shot is perfect....bent nose and all!!

Pamela Gordon said...

So nice for you to see and enjoy the spring flower show. Love the distorted photo. :)

MEcoy said...

if ever I would start painting i'll use some of your shots as reference