Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I have a problem…

I don’t know about you, but when I need to reach into my photo archives like I did last week, I have a tendency to get lost.  The problem is that I take far too many photos.  And while I try to keep up with them by deleting the obviously bad ones and loads of mediocre ones right after I upload them,
 I always have a backlog.

When I had my knee replaced last October, I thought I would be able to sit around for a while and really weed out more photos but I had no idea that I would have no attention span post-op for about two months  and I surely didn’t realize that sitting for any length of time would get really uncomfortable.
  So I never got to all those photos.

Well, last week when I was searching around for my ten best shots for my Art Guild night, I got ensnared by the beautiful Charleston, South Carolina.  Greg and I visited there a year ago January and I was too busy around that time to really look at what I brought back digitally.  So the other day I just got stuck.  Here are a few photos pulled from my archives of some doors and windows from Charleston, South Carolina.

I have no idea why there was a red dot on this building.


TexWisGirl said...

really like the floral pattern in that railing in the top, and the cool horseshoe arch in the last!

Pamela Gordon said...

I love Charleston. There is such a history and quaintness about the city and the homes and buildings are old and gorgeous. We spent a day there while visiting friends in Myrtle Beach and would love to go back. I also took photos of doorways and side gardens and cemeteries. Love it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you were archive diving, these are beautiful and I love Charleston.. I am from Savannah, which is not to far. it is a beautiful city. share on we want to see what you saw...

Nicki said...

I have the same 'over photo.itis' and it was made worse a year or two ago when our hard drive crashed and the back up made 5 copies or more of some (ok, a lot) of the pictures. I have literally gone through at intervals and deleted thousands of pictures and still have an uphill battle. Seems like it would be a straight forward type of activity - but nothing like that at all. Long-reply-short - I hear ya and am in the same leaky boat. These are some interesting elements from a beautiful location.

Deanna said...

We went to Charleston about 15 years ago and I loved it. I would love to go back with my camera this time. What a grand place with so many beautiful windows & doors. You have captured some lovely ones.

Helma said...

Hello Barbara,

especially the first 2 photos I find very beautiful.
I also read that you have a problem with your picture behind (very recognizable), and also that with your knee. Slow down and take pictures will come again. You can now sort photos go;-)

MEcoy said...

take good care of yourself first and do the shots after barbarra
anyway in my case i dont have any problems with your photos i mena they were always great to me tho im not an expert

Susan said...

Oh Barbara, these are so beautiful!

Kerri Farley said...

I have that SAME problem!! These are wonderful!!!

Rose said...

I love doors and got some gorgeous shots.

I would love to have know to tag my photos when I first started taking them...but I didn't. And still don't tag them. I should at least tag them as I take them.

I usually have a good time searching for this or that shot, but sometimes I just wish I could find it right away.

Buzz Lightyear said...

Hi Barbara,

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting, looking forward to following your blog! You're an outstanding photographer! Really nice compositions here of the Charleston doors and windows, and I find the iron work fence/railings very intriguing -- reminds me of fences and carport gates in the Philippines that captured my little budding photographer's attention. That red dot is interesting; first thing that came to my mind is the 1983 Human League video "Keep Feeling Fascination".

Best regards!

Stratoz said...

Splendid trip. I too have too many photos.