Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sharing the Bridge of Flowers…

What a great idea Antoinette Burnham had!  She saw an old trolley bridge that was no longer being used and had a vision.  She sparked the idea to turn the old bridge into the Bridge of Flowers.  The Shelburne Falls Women’s Club sponsored the project in 1928 and the rest, shall we say, is history.  In spite of the fact that flood waters spawned by Hurricane Irene engulfed the Bridge in 2011, it is blooming and beautiful.  Here are a few blooms that Carrie and I saw on our trip there last Friday.

And here’s a little aside.  Last week I posted some road pictures from our trip to Apalachicola, Florida.  Here’s one:

While in Buckland, Massachusetts, I saw this and it made me laugh:

But I actually know what they support in Buckland.  They support local farms.  What that truck supported, I don’t know.  Maybe they support local farms too.
  That would be a good thing.


TexWisGirl said...

supportive 'open minded' folks, there. :)

love the blooms.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that bridge is awesome and a super idea and hard to believe it has been there so long. i love that last photo of the we support sign and your flowers are beautiful macro.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful flower photos! The orange tulips are brilliant. Love the "We Support" signs. Fun. Enjoy the day.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Wow, those flowers are breathtaking! I especially like the purple ones (bluebells?). That sounds like a neat bridge.

MEcoy said...

those were really amazing flowers!

Susan said...

I support them too! Love the photos, so pretty! What a great idea, flower bridge. Wow.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous colors! These are beautiful flowers and photos!

Nicki said...

Such brilliant colors - very pretty!

Deanna said...

spring in all it's glory on a wonderful!!

Stratoz said...

Welcoming spring blooms here as well. You are blessed to be able to see what emerged from her vision of flowers.