Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Mind is Everything...

I believe this.
  So as much as I can, I try to think positive and grateful thoughts.
  It’s not always easy.
  Life is not always easy.
  But, to me, it is always best to look for the good in situations and in people.

Thanks again, Nancy.  I used your Sakura texture when I processed this photo.


TexWisGirl said...

i try to keep gratitude in the forefront of my mind more than anything, too. :)

kat from ky. said...

You are so right it is very hard to stay positive. I always keep Hope alive!

kat from ky. said...

You are so right it is very hard to stay positive. I always keep Hope alive!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful photo and the quote is so true... when I get upset and feeling down it is always a process caused by a mind that thinks to much, and the mind is what causes me to miss sleep, because it will not turn off. it is easy to think what you think you become and to agree with it, but not easy to DO IT. stop the negative thinking I mean...

Brian King said...

I sometimes have trouble just finding my mind.

Nancy said...

So very important and I'm glad that you reminded us all. Love the image Barb. xo

Deb said...

being negative can be so bad for your health....I try really hard not to go there...great post...lol on Brian's comment...

Mary said...

beautiful and true! :)

Nicki said...

Barb - I think this is one of my favorites from your recent work. I love everything about it - the composition, the texture, the lighting. Perfect choice of quote to accompany it as well.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

True words to live by...hard part sometimes is doing that.

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

So calming and so true! Thank you!!

MEcoy said...

i couldn't agree more to that!

Deanna said...

Lovely thoughts for this lovely image!!

holdingmoments said...

Very true, those words; but I must admit I find it hard at times.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I don;t know if the mind is everything to me - but it is a lot and I like it to be positive!

Susan said...

So, so, so true! Hardest thing in the world I swear!

Rose said...

Yeah, I try to think positive, too...but sure don't always succeed.

Stratoz said...

Yes indeedy