Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Happy Mother’s Day Scavenger Hunt…

Here are this week’s prompts:  Perspective, Golden, Bloom, Dark and Local.  And here are my efforts.

I decided to use this definition of PERSPECTIVE:  a state of existing in space before the eye.  We were down at our neighborhood beach on Friday and I asked our friend Bob to hold still while I took this picture.  Good guy that he is, he did what I asked.  In his sunglasses, I could see what existed in the space before Bob’s eyes.  I think that’s kind of cool.

This is a koi from a local restaurant Zorba’s where we go occasionally for lunch.  Now that the weather is nice, they open their pleasant outdoor area and you can sit next to this lovely koi pond.  I’m not a big fan of fish but I think these are very pretty.  He’s like an overgrown GOLD(EN) fish.

It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, “What is a weed?  A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.”  Most people consider the dandelion a weed, but I like its cheery yellow demeanor and love it when they turn to seed.  The dandelion is a BLOOM that I enjoy.

Here is one of the newest residents of our neighborhood.  His name is Maverick and he may be DARK but that doesn’t mean he isn’t sweet and friendly.  Welcome, Maverick!

We are so lucky that this scene is within a five minute walk from our front door.  This is LOCAL for us.


TexWisGirl said...

nice opening shot! love maverick, too. nice set all the way!

Brian King said...

Awesome entries! The first and third are my favorites! Very nice!

EG CameraGirl said...

I too am a fan of dandelions! I think it's sad that so many people think they are ugly.

How nice that you live so close to a beach. The photo ops must be endless! :))

Neat shot of the koi. I have never been able to take such a good sht o obe, Hudos!

Honey Mommy said...

Your perspective shot is really cool. I also really enjoyed your sunflower. It really is lovely!

Debbie said...

love that first shot, so creative!!

happy mothers day!!

mommy to many said...

that first shot is so cool!

Nukke said...

1. photo and perspective is so cool.

and beautiful and interesting all your photos !

Have a nice week !

MEcoy said...

that was a very cool shot barbarra!

Nicki said...

Dandelions do have their appeal - unless yours is the only yard among well groomed yards speckled in yellow - ack! Neat reflective shot, and Mavrick looks like a nice fella. And what a view - so jealous.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Wow! I love that perspective shot!! Maverick is adorable..what a great addition to the neighborhood!

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photos:) Greetings

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular shot of the sunglasses and what they reflected and it made it even more special to do the black and white with color. beautiful and oh so creative. love the weed and the pup...

Deanna said...

Great set, I do like to photograph dandelions, I just don't like them growing in my yard,. I do hope Olive and Maverick become fast friends!!

Ida said...

Very nice set.
I enjoyed them very much.
Very cool shot for Perspective, great idea.
Loved the Handsome Dog in Dark
and the awesome view for Local.

Susan said...

All I can say is WOW!

Rose said...

Lorelei, my granddaughter would for sure agree with you about the dandelion. I happened to mention trying to kill them in front of her and I thought she was going to start crying. I quickly promised to leave them alone.