Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Using my super power…

Being on Facebook, I have learned that there are lots and lots of t-shirts available for photographers.  Those are the advertisements that pop up most often when I go on to check on all the odds and ends my friends and family are posting.

  The t-shirt I like best has a camera printed on it and says, “I can stop time.  What’s your superpower?”  One of these days, I may just click on that link and buy one of those, because in many ways that is true.  Photography does give us the ability to freeze moments in time.

Still, I find myself wishing this superpower of mine didn’t require a Nikon and, in fact, wasn’t just a catch phrase on a t-shirt, because this has been a ridiculously busy month and a half for me.  I cannot put my finger on why exactly, but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I was born a slow and deliberate person and as I age, I’m just getting slower and slower and more deliberate.  Things just take me a lot of time and I can’t seem to change that.  So when I add in appointments and other obligations, the things I actually enjoy doing get shoved to the side…like this blog, for instance.

Yesterday, I thought I would have time to post something, but my yearly eye exam was scheduled for the afternoon.  I was happy to learn that my eyes are not showing the normal signs of aging that other parts of my body are.  I was told that there is no sign of cataract or glaucoma.  And the doctor was polite enough to not mention that when he looked though my dilated pupils, he could see that my brain was starting to atrophy and lose its elasticity.  I thought that was rather kind of him.  But those drops he used did put an end to me doing anything useful for the rest of the day.

Anyhow, thanks to the Nor’easter that passed through here last week, our fall color is pretty much gone.  Sure, here and there, you may spot a nice bright red tree, but mostly what’s there now are the coppers and browns of the oaks.

  Of course, the oaks never really completely let go of their leaves until the new ones come in.  Isn’t there a saying that says, “Stubborn as an Oak!”??  If not, I may have that one printed on a t-shirt, too.  There are probably people I know who would find that pretty appropriate for me.

Well, since I have it, I might as well exercise my superpower!  Here are a few shots of autumn that I have frozen in time.


TexWisGirl said...

glorious color! love the 2nd shot, especially!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

everything you said here i agree with, but one thing, i am not slow or deliberate and have never even come close to that, i am a fly at it full speed ahead and don't stop until it is done. that is not good when it comes to blogging or playing with software or editing photos., if i take 200 i am not able to stop until they are looked at, deleted and edited. doing that hurts my back and hip and knee. i have two friends that are like you and i often wish i were more like them than me. you may be lucky to be like that... you did freeze time and gorgeous color with your camera... really beautiful.

Unknown said...

Explosions of beautiful colors and stoic trees that bare them....great read...and LOL your brain...I don't think so...;) Of course our trees are now almost nekked as a jaybird after the close to a solid week of rain we had...just when things were getting good for photos too...at least I can enjoy yours!

kat from ky. said...

Lovely. Slow and deliberate wins the race...everytime!

Brian King said...

Such gorgeous colors! I like the t-shirt phrase...that's one I hadn't heard yet.

Unknown said...

It would be nice if the colors of autumn accompanied by summer temperatures.

The Furry Gnome said...

Lovely fall pix - yes, it's like freezing a particular time. I've been far too busy recently too, one medical apt or fall chore after another, and no time to do what I really like, like photography. Slower and more deliberate every year until I feel like the tortoise.

Gail Dixon said...

Pretty pretty!! Love these colors. I know what you mean about things getting in the way of blogging. I can't ever seem to catch up these days. I'm glad to hear your eyesight is in good shape. Take care...

Tanya Breese said...

your photos are stunning...you do have a superpower!

Barb said...

Thank you for freezing time! I think maybe slow an deliberate is good - remember the tortoise and the hare? Let's celebrate - my old eye are still fine, too!

Lynn said...

These are beautiful photos, exceptional fall colours your way. Now I'm not a deliberate person, more the scattered do everything at once type however as I age I am slowing down and this is nice!

Debbie said...

i have learned many things on facebook....some things i don't want to know ;)

i like the sounds of that tee shirt and the quote.

your images are gorgeous!! our color is "uneven" this year, not like years past, there is no overlapping. they are either done or have not started yet, it's a weird autumn!!!

Pamela Gordon said...

Great post Barb! I love these beautiful photos. One of those tee shirts would be kind of cool to have. :)

Amy Burzese said...

Yep. We do have superpower, don't we? I try to exercise mine as often as possible. lol

Ida said...

Wow! Amazing shots here and yes they are "frozen in time" through your wonderful eye and camera.