Friday, October 31, 2014

Willy-Nilly Fall Friday 5…

Baseball season is over.  This makes me sad.  I do have to admit that it was a fun World Series to watch though.  And there was no stress because I didn’t really care who won, although I will admit that I really liked the Kansas City Royals and had to root for them.  Oh, well…  Maybe next year.

I do watch a lot of television from Great Britain on Netflix these days.  You know, things like Dr. Who, Torchwood and Midsomer Murders.  I’m always surprised when people who need to defend themselves on these shows often pull out a baseball bat…a baseball bat, for pity’s sake.  Now, I may be wrong, but I don’t think they play baseball in Great Britain.  So why do all these people have bats in their closets and where the heck do they buy them?  They must be sold as weapons over there in the stores.  You almost never see a baseball bat used as a weapon on American TV.  I mentioned this today to Greg for whatever reason and his answer was short and to the point.  “That’s because,” he said, “American use guns.”

Are you sick of political ads yet?  I sure am.  We get them not only from Massachusetts but also from New Hampshire.  It almost makes me nostalgic for that Verizon ad with the bouncing, whispering couple with the baby that makes the salesgirl shush so as not to wake the kid.  I’d like to slap those people and I am non-violent by nature.  But those dunderheads are a breath of fresh air compared with all this politics.

The biggest leaf I've found this year so far.
I have sciatica and am going to physical therapy trying to get it under control.  I laughed about the first exercise that the PT gave me, which was to lie on my stomach for fifteen minutes three times a day.  Hey, even I can do that!  But I was told yesterday that I needed to roll in and out of bed.  Do you know how hard that is??  I always thought that it was kind of a figure of speech but apparently it is an actual way to get in and out of bed.  I haven’t mastered it yet.  I am afraid that I require further instruction.

I've already posted this photo on Facebook, but I think it bears repeating.  This is my mother, father and me all duded up and ready to leave for a Halloween party at my sister Cindy's house back in 1976.  Pretty funny, isn't it?!  I'm not dressing up this year.  As a matter of fact, I almost forgot all about Trick or Treat and had to run out and purchase last minute candy.  I need to start paying attention to the calendar.  Have a safe and happy Halloween!

P.S.  I'd like some help identifying this cute little guy who has been hanging out at our feeder.  He scrounges underneath and doesn't go on to the feeders.  He must be some kind of sparrow but what kind is the question.  He's a tad bigger than a dark-eyed junco.

Linking up to Tanya's Around Roanoke, VA

Willy-Nilly Friday 5!


TexWisGirl said...

that's a white-throated sparrow. :)

sorry about the sciatica! cute old photo of you and your folks!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Looks like it might be a Song Sparrow...oh, and I personally wish more people used bats here!!...:)JP

Brian King said...

Love that second photo! Beautiful! Nice shots of the White-throated Sparrow! We have them around all winter.

Tom said...

Great collection of shots. Your dad sure looked excited. Tom The Backroads Traveller

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful photos! And in the case of your old family picture--pretty funny! :-) I have "rolled" to the side to get up from a lying position for quite some time, but now that we have a memory-foam bed, and you kind've "sink" into it, it makes rolling over harder. I have to hold onto my dresser to get some leverage! :-)

A Colorful World said...

By the way, that baseball bat weapon observation was hysterical. Loved it!

The Furry Gnome said...

That's a cute little White Throated Sparrow! And strange about those british baseball bats...

Lynn said...

he looks like our little sparrows the specific name I do not know, but ours eat only the ground seed too. ah well there you go I see above me that TFG says they are White Throated Sparrows, now I know too :-).

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the throwback Halloween pic.. to funny and so it was YOU who watched the ball games that knocked Madame Secretary off our DVR causing us to have to watch it on Demand WITH commercials... we don't watch commercials because we DVR everything we watch and then fast forward through them. i am sick to death of political automated phone calls every day. we voted a week ago and they still come .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the orange leaf

Tanya Breese said...

lol at the baseball bat...that's braden and dalton's weapon of choice too :D i thought that was a sparrow but i didn't know there were different varieties of them! love the photo of you and your parents, what wonderful memories you have of that night i'm sure....i also really love that first photo! thank you for linking and i hope you are having a super weekend! it's pretty cold here right now!

Nicki said...

Interesting observation about British shows (also a big 'across-the-pond' Netflix fan - might have to pay attention to weapon of choice). As for political ads - it is so bad I think it actually discourages people from voting - by the time election gets about, I don't want either candidate to win. And don't get me started on the bouncing baby ad - glad I wasn't the only one that wanted to yell, "if ya got a household of teenage kids you are worried about getting on the data plan - that baby can sleep through anything." Stop the damn "sympathy" bouncing - that irritates me even more. At no point in raising our children did either me or my husband start bouncing beside the other one holding the child. That is just ridiculous.
Oh, great Autumn shots. :)

Susan said...

I LOVE British shows! One of my favorites was Torchwood and Primeval.
Beautiful photos, and hope that sciatica gets better soon. So painful and tiring.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Barbara, I am with yiu on enjiying British TV shows on Netflix, but never thiught about the baseball bat connectiin, and Greg may have a point! We also subscribe to Acorn TV which is another streaming service that offers British mysteries and dramas, although more limited than Netflix it is also less costly for an annual subscription.