Saturday, June 6, 2015

Posting Some Quick Blues…

Well, folks, it’s that time of year.  Today is Greg’s birthday and it’s a big one!  We also have a graduation party to attend.  I talked to my sister Cindy this week and she reminded me that summer has only twelve weekends so it’s best to make the most of each one.  Well, we will be doing that today.

I want to get a little caught up on my “52 Weeks of Blue” project and post five more photos.  Meant to do it yesterday and to hook up with Willy-nilly Friday 5, but ran out of time.  So without further ado, here they are.

Week 16:  Here is a little bunch of Striped Squill.  I love these little flowers.  They are so cheery.  Even their name is cheery to me.

Week 17:  And here is the Striped Squill’s sister – the Siberian Squill.

Week 18:  I took this photo while floating through the car wash.  It is in memory of a friend, Steve Morse, who passed away in April from cancer.  Steve was the leader of our photo group at the Massasoit Art Guild.  Steve was a professional photographer.  His unbounded enthusiasm and willingness to share his photographic talents with us amateurs was so appreciated.  He is missed.

Week 19:  Periwinkle and ajuga from our yard.  Why is it that many spring flowers are blue, but few summer flowers are?  I wonder.

Week 20:  And here’s an ajuga up close.  I love seeing these come up in the yard, but the minute the grass is cut, there they go.  They are as fleeting as spring…

So there’s my next five weeks of blue.  In reality, I’m going to post week #23 on Flickr today.  I’m a little behind.  One of these days I will catch up with life, but I’m not holding my breath on that.  If I did, I might turn a bit blue.


TexWisGirl said...

sorry for the loss of your friend. all lovely blues.

kat from ky. said...

Happy Birthday Greg!(60?) Sorry for loss of your f

iend. Love blue flowers, you are right about summer blues! Never thought of it til now!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like them ALL but the striped flower is my favorite. i don't remember ever seeing a striped blue flower. i did see one like peppermint once

Unknown said...

well what do you know...we have a boatload of ajugas! even let a bunch grow under the lilac out front...never knew their name

lovely collection and true...not many blue flowers in summer...but there is the cornflower..and chicory...

sorry for the loss of your friend

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Just beautiful. Regards..

Rose said...

And they are beautiful blue shots! I had not thought about the blues of summer, but you are right now that you have me thinking. And to me, there are some yellows in the spring, but I think fall has a lot yellow flowers.

Deanna said...

Beautiful collection of blues...happy birthday to Greg on his big birthday.

Debbie said...

So sad to loss a friend. Beautiful blues!!

Gail Dixon said...

Steve sounds like a treasure. So sorry for your loss. The striped squill is so pretty! Lovely set of blues you've captured.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful blues! So many pretty shades. Good question as to why there are more blues in spring flowers than in summer. Happy Birthday wishes to Greg. Hope it was a fun celebration.

Nicki said...

Love your blues. Happy belated Birthday to Greg.