Friday, June 12, 2015

Willy-nilly Friday 5: Maybe it’s a sign…

1.  When we were in the Great Smoky Mountains, we passed through Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  These are tourist destinations of the extreme variety and there is no shortage of signs there, but the best signs we saw when we were on our trip we found in the Cherokee and Bryson City, North Carolina areas.  These signs are throwbacks to the past and quite charming in my humble opinion.  Like this one for the Pink Motel.  Isn’t it great?!

2.  This one has seen better days.  The Teddy Bear Motel appears to have been closed for quite some time.  But that teddy bear still believes that “Life’s Good!”

3.  Here’s a sign for Granny’s Restaurant in Cherokee, NC.  Someday I might eat there if I have a chance.  Both of my grandmother’s were good cooks, unlike my mother who really didn’t much like cooking, in general, so I tend to avoid places that claim they serve meals like mom used to make.

4.  This was my very favorite sign of all.  Seems to me that the Warrior Motel has it all – remote cable TV, electric heat & air, picnic area AND a flower & water garden.  How many places can boast a flower and water garden??  Can you imagine how great that sign looks at night all lit up?
  To me, that sign is a real treasure.

5.  I get up early these days and figure that is free time for me to do what I want.  So while I drink my first cups of coffee of the day, I’ve been churning my way through Foyle’s War on Netflix.  Well, was I disappointed when I realized earlier this week that I finished the series.  I really enjoyed it.  I think they are still making new episodes, so I imagine that they will show up on Netflix one of these days, but until then…any suggestions?  Maybe this is a sign that I watch too much TV and should be doing something useful instead.  On that note, here’s a sign that’s definitely seen better days.

Linking up to Around Roanoke's Willy-nilly Friday 5!

Thanks, Tanya!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love each and every single one of these signs... they are like time traveling back to my childhood. we drove through Cherokee and NC and Gatlinburg, Asheville.... and the roads were 2 winding lanes and signs like these were every where. we sometimes got to stop in one and we were so excited. 12 hours from Savannah to Pineville KY and then back to Savannah for 5 years. if i had to pick a favorite it is the Pink only i think it should be Tink for Tinkerbell. A plus on this post. loved it

Pamela Gordon said...

i really love these old signs Barb! There is nothing like the old neon signs. Sadly, they are banned in some areas as 'gaudy'. Our city has/had 2 of them until the past year. They are iconic. We also watched Foyle's War and loved it. I think there are a few more episodes but Netflix (Canada) hasn't bought them yet. :( I hope they do but I know we'l watch them again. Have you watched Sherlock with Benedict Cumerbatch yet? Or Call the Midwife? Hubby doesn't care for the latter so I watch it when he's not around. ;) Have a nice weekend!

TexWisGirl said...

some pretty awesome vintage signs, for sure. :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The signs were fun to see, Barbara. The Teddy Bear place was my favorite. I just finished watching Death in Paradise on Nerflix and you might enjoy the 2 seasons that are abailable.

Nicki said...

These are amazing - kind of like going through the sign graveyard in Los Vegas. Going by these you can just imagine when they were in their heyday and clearly with the Pink Motel, before trademarks and too many lawyers.

Rose said...

Haven't read the comments, so pardon me if these have been mention. First let me say that Foyle's war is one of our all time favorites. So, check out Bletchley Circle. I would almost bet you will like it. And have you been watching Call the Midwife? I love it, and Roger likes it...and always the closing words on each episode are wonderful. We always like Inspector Lynley series and Inspector Lewis...but they are different to Foyle's War and Bletchley Circle. I am sure I am forgetting something, but cannot think what right now.

Rose said...

Oh, just thought of something...check for The Duchess of Duke Street. Not a mystery, but we did enjoy it. If Netflix doesn't have it, youtube did have it. But not the greatest quality. And Sherlock is good!

Ida said...

Those were fantastic. I really liked them all but I think the Warrior one and the Fairy one were my favorites.

Tom said...

WOW, now I know what motel sign heaven looks like! Tom The Backroads Traveller

EG CameraGirl said...

What a treat to see these old-time signs!

Tanya Breese said...

oh my gosh, i love all of these signs, what treasures they all are! don't you hate when you finish a good series? thanks for linking and have a great week!

Rose said...

I thought of another mystery you would like...Endeavour. It is really good...I just checked and Netflix does not have it. But if you get the chance, I think you would really enjoy it.

Rose said...

I thought of another mystery you would like...Endeavour. It is really good...I just checked and Netflix does not have it. But if you get the chance, I think you would really enjoy it.

Debbie said...

these are really marvelous!!!