Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Things You See Along the Way...

When we were in North Carolina with our friends Dona and Bob, we discovered that all four of us like train rides.  As it happens, there’s a train called the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad that leaves from Bryson City every day.

We booked passage for the Nantahala Gorge Excursion, which “takes you across Fontana Lake and into the beautiful Nantahala Gorge.”  The train was comfortable with an attendant who would fill your "free" mug with coffee, tea or a soft drink while the train moseyed along.  Here’s what the interior of our car looked like.

And here are a few of the things we saw along the way…

The train took us to the Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC) where we had an hour layover.  Just enough time to stretch our legs and have a nice glass of local ale.  But we did see some interesting things during our stop.

Like these two peeps who were obviously so worn out they were willing to nap on gravel.

And these three dogs.  The two already in the truck watched with rapt attention until dog number three was safely in the truck.  They must be best friends.

The scenery on the way back to Bryson City was just wonderful.

One of our fellow passengers seemed to like it quite a lot.

A nice day was had by all.


TexWisGirl said...

cute little reflection shot. :) love the pup trio. great b&w of the abandoned house and really like the houseboat shot. that pair does look tuckered out!

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos! I like the inside of the train. Love the black and white! That's some gorgeous country!

Tanya Breese said...

i enjoyed the train ride, wonderful photos, all of them! love the sweet baby!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am trying not to feel jealous, I would so love to ride this train .. the last photo is precious and i love the houseboat and double ouch on gravel napping... what a view and the inside of the train is beautiful to. i am not jealous.. i am not jealous...

Unknown said...

seems like a lot of fun!...train rides are special...I've always liked trains myself...great photojournalism too!

Rose said...

That last shot is priceless! But the others are pretty wonderful, too. I loved the one above the child.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Barbara, we have been to Bryson City and taken this train ride twice. The road to the gorge was geeat fun and we also saw kayakers on our trips.

Barb said...

Love the child's portrait you captured in the reflection! Girlfriends and I are going on a train ride in the fall - your photos make me excited for the trip.

Debbie said...

loved that house boat and all the scenery!! cute pups!!!

Juliana said...

nice post... nice place... want to travel...

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

Pamela Gordon said...

How fun to go on a train ride and to enjoy that beautiful scenery. The photo of the baby's reflection in the window is so sweet!