Friday, August 23, 2013


1)  Since this is random day, I am heading back to Norway.  These are some pics I took at the Norwegian Folkmuseum in Oslo.  I enjoyed the museum a lot.  We live in a town with a similar museum.  Ours is called Old Sturbridge Village (OSV).  It’s a living museum depicting life in a New England town in the 1830s.  It’s a great place to take a little ramble and I don’t go there often enough.  I should get myself over there as soon as the schools go back into session.

2)  OSV was so crowded today that they had to use auxiliary parking and bus people to the museum.  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen OSV that crowded since we’ve lived here (over 28 years), but I’m not so good about remembering stuff like that.  Regardless, I love the fact that they are so crowded.

3)  Another place that was crowded today was the new FroYo place in town, “Sweet Kiwi.”  That place has been rocking since it opened two or three weeks ago.  My son Evan and I checked it out today.  Two thumbs up.

4)  Whenever we go down on Main Street on a busy day, I complain that it’s impossible to make a left turn in this town.  I usually say, “We’re going to be here for the rest of our lives” just before things clear up enough for me to get the heck out of the parking lot.  It seems to work.

5)  Last night on the news, our weather guy said that the weed pollen count in Boston was extreme.  That was a light bulb moment.  I thought I was coming down with a cold.  Now I think it must be allergies.  In any case, whatever will cause the weed pollen to lessen will be my new BFF because I’m getting very cranky.




MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish i had taken the vine and the door handle. awesome shots. love love love both of them. we are having high pollen to, i am on my Zyrtec again...even hubby is having problems.. itchy and burning eyes, sinus head aches. where is winter.

TexWisGirl said...

like all the window and door shots! the vines on the wall, too!

i feel more and more seasonal allergies creeping in as i 'mellow', too. :)

Unknown said...

I love these with color and textures.

Unknown said...

These are really nice ~ for some reason they suggest autumn to me..which may make your allergies less threatening...I agree with the poster above with colors and textures! A really beautiful post and good read to go with it

Nicki said...

Nice grouping of 'random'. Glad to read that a local museum is booming with business - always a good sign and I can attest that the new surge of FroYos is a good thing - makes my heart sign. I remember when I discovered TCBY in Atlanta (hadn't made it's way North yet) - I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Random shots are always fun and now you have inspired me, Barbara. I recently bought a new camera after the 1st new one proved not to the one for me. Never been to OSV but seems it should be on our "to see" places for a future visit, hopefully not in busy tourist season because even though we will be as such we don't like crowds. Kiwi anything sounds good to me.

Mary said...

Wonderful photos of what looks like a fascinating place. :)

When i was a kid, i loved to visit Old Sturbridge Village. It was my favorite summer vacation trip. My Dad was a school administrator before he retired, and always had summers off!

Pamela Gordon said...

I love the brilliant colour in these photos. I also love old doors and doorways. We stayed in a motel right near OSV many years ago now and I really wanted to visit the village but we moved on down the highway. I forget where we were going. Kentucky maybe. Some day I'll get there.

Rose said...

I enjoyed your random five, and loved the photos, specially the 3rd one down.

Greg Hale said...

Lovely, B! Here's the thing. I walk side by side with Barb through these wonderful places we visit. I never even noticed all those faces in the door . . . That's talent, dear!

MEcoy said...

each shot was fascinating i like the first shot the most

Brian King said...

Oh, I really like the first, third, and last shots! Very artistic!

Call Me Xander said...

NIce capture.. I am fascinated and with high respect for photographers.. I have a few shots of my own as well..

Good job! Ill becoming back here..

The Furry Gnome said...

Really like those pictures.

Nancy said...

Love the richness of these images Barb.

My allergies are kicking up too now with all of the corn tassels waiving in the wind. xo

Betty Manousos said...

love all of these shots. simply gorgeous!
great play of light and shadow in the second one.