Friday, August 16, 2013

Some Random Photos & Some Random Thoughts…

I've got the blues...

Pug Cam

1)  I have always thought that I have a problem with summer doldrums, because there gets to be a point in the summer when I just can’t wait for it to be over.    But I am beginning to realize that I get this way each season around this time.  I think I just love the change.  Right now, I am heartily sick of green and wanting the more variegated autumn tones.  At some point in the autumn, I will be looking forward to the blues, greys and browns of winter.  Then, of course, it will be the spring pastels…  While most people’s lives revolve around the sun, apparently mine revolves around the color wheel.

2)  But with the doldrums, comes a distinct lack of creativity, which is why I haven’t been posting so much lately.   I need to turn that around.

3)  I went to the grocery to get a snack to take down to the beach tonight for our regular Friday Cocktails at the Beach.  My intention was olives, pita chips and humus.  I forgot the humus.  As I was trying to figure out if it is worth another trip, Greg called and said he would pick some up on his way home from playing golf.  Yay, Greg!  The traffic is pretty horrible today.  People are getting their last summer vacation licks in.  The Mass Turnpike is a mess so that means there are strangers wandering around our town trying to figure out how to get where they are going using alternate routes.  Bah humbug!

4)  You know, the weather here in Massachusetts has been just fabulous since we got back from our trip to Ohio.  Here’s to that!  Earlier this summer, I wouldn’t have wanted to spend any time outside…not even for Friday Cocktails at the Beach.

5)  I am doing something creative actually.  I’m crocheting two little monsters.  They don’t have personalities yet since I haven’t put on their faces, but I will show you how they turn out.  I hope to be done with them early next week.




TexWisGirl said...

in the words of cher, 'snap out of it!' just kidding. you can be blue or quiet all you want!

kat from ky. said...

I get the same way in Summer. Of course Fall is my favorite season. I love the pugcam. ,Is that a hydrangea? That is my "signature" flower! lol!! sound like the nutty sister from "Streetcar!"

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't wish for change, the only thing i don't like is HOT HEAT... I am sick of that. but i don't want cold. just 80 in the daytime and not 95 and 65 at night not 82... heat makes me crazy and i don't want to leave the house. love the blue crayons

Rohrerbot said...

It's funny because I think we all get like this sometimes. I'm definitely ready for winter because I can spend lots and lots of time outside! But fall is a lovely time on the East coast:) It will come.

Leave It To Davis said...

Love your pug cam! Cute!

I am ready for Fall, too. I can't wait for our first northern to blow step outside and have my sinuses night see a crystal clear sky where all the stars brightly shine! To hear the crunching of leaves underfoot....yes, change is wonderful. So tired of the heat!

Debbie said... near the beach, i can totally relate with #3 AND forgetting the hummus!! and i lol that you were bringing "olives" to the party because at first i thought you were bringing "olive" to the party!!

it's been very cool here and now that i am feeling better, my bike and the beach are in my near future!!

thanks so much for your kind words today!!

Unknown said...

Those are some pretty great photos for someone with the doldrums...summer was iffy this year...I dunno....just kind of iffy...but my flowers were spectacular...nice to see Olive looking jaunty in the driveway!

Mary said...

Yay for pug cam! I spy Olive. :) The way you describe your feelings now.. i have these same bluesy feelings in January in Oregon with the endless rainy, dark days. I really eat summer up while it's here, even with the heat, because i know what's coming!

Have a good weekend! And i love your first pic of the blue crayons btw..

MEcoy said...

well good to here that you're enjoying the weather there,
and i'm a bit curious about that project you're talking about

Sharon said...

The crayons to represent "blue" is creative -- see, you still have creativity! I hope you do get to seeing the positive more, and soon!

Brian King said...

Great photos! We all get the blues now and then. When I get in a creative slump I don't fight it. I ride it out and the creative spirit comes back. A break can be good.

Nicki said...

Enjoying the mid-70s with cool breezes has me thinking 'awe, I could take this 24/7, 365'. But then I remember how much I enjoy that nip in the air along with Autumn colors, how I get excited like a school-age kid with snow flurries, and the deeper appreciation for the warmth of the house during bitter cold days. Yea, guess I'm a seasonal gal too.

Deanna said...

oh cocktails on the beach....sounds heavenly

Nancy said...

Lol -- love Tex's comment. I'm so dreading another winter of log-burning in the wood stove (and the mess), summer can just take it's sweet time heading out the door. Glad to see you join in at R5F this week Barb! xo

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Summer heat and humidity can be tiresome, I agree, Barbara. We too have finally gotten a break here on the VA eastern shore when much cooler temps came in at the end of last week. Now, this week it's rain every day for most of the week.

Rose said...

I am thinking there might be something to that color wheel theory! Though I am afraid it could be stuck in autumn for a long time in most cases for me.

I guess I am having the summer doldrums since I cannot seem to post consistently either.

Ida said...

I missed Random 5 last Friday so I'm checking your entry out here today. I really liked your thoughts here. Hmmmm, the color wheel, now that's a different way of viewing the seasons but I like it. We have all 4 seasons here where I live so I get to experience the different colors too. Loved your Pug shot, so cute.
Nice of hubby to help you out with the hummus. I made brownies yesterday and was out of sugar, called hubby and he picked some up on his way home from work. Aren't they sweet!