Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Study in Contrasts…

I’m joining the fun over at TexWisGirl’s Good Fences today.

Here are a couple of fences I’ve come across in the last couple of weeks.

This first one is not too far from our house and I pass it often in my travels.  It surrounds a beautiful estate.  It’s graceful and well-kept.

This second one here I found in Worcester, Massachusetts one day when I had to scurry over there for an appointment.  What the story is there, I have no idea.  But with the razor wire and the sneering face, it doesn’t look too welcoming.

It’s a curious thing that while the first picture is more appealing in many ways, the second one is much more interesting to me.  What do you think?


TexWisGirl said...

well, the 2nd one sure is gritty! but i like it, too. still, the first stone fence and sweet gate is lovely. the estate's not bad, either. :)

thanks for linking in!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first one is a pretty place and a pretty fence. the 2nd one tells a story all by itself...and is much more interesting.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi NO I like the 1st one best adn cold live with that one. I like the way you had 2 complete adn different fences in that one. 2 for the price of 1! the stone fence and the hedge fence. if I lived opposite the 2nd one, I think I might have nightmares

Willow said...

The first one really draws me in , sone walls are always inviting to me , always want to see what is behind them, and the gate is open .
The second fence would definitely keep me out it has a real "keep out" feel to it , but is interesting, in a KEEP OUT kinda way , lol.

Debbie said...

Good insight on that second fence, and I do like the image but the first was my favorite because I am boring that way ;)

Kerri Farley said...

I agree!!

eileeninmd said...

The first shot is pretty, with the stone wall. But, I like the colors in the second, the windows above the fence look neat! Enjoy your day and have a happy weekend ahead!

Brian King said...

It's hard to beat a good stone fence! The ones here in Kentucky are being preserved before they disappear completely.

Ida said...

Well I've always had a thing for fancy southern homes like that so I'm going with Fence #1 but I must say Fence #2 does have some interesting details.

Gail Dixon said...

I am always drawn to stone walls or fences. The first one appeals to my sense of style and the second shot appeals to a different side of me: fear? lol It's still a great image, tho!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I like your contrasting fences. I'm much more interested in what's behind fence #2.

Lynn said...

that is a gorgeous rock wall fence but the second shot is full of intrigue..brings to mind all sorts of scenarios.

Deb said...

a big contrast...each has it's own story to tell

Unknown said...

Interesting yes, but in a good way? Good observations