Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Oh, snap…

When I woke up in the middle of the night last night like I usually do, I glanced out the window and saw that we had gotten a bit of snow.  Yesterday friends from the mid-west USA had posted photos on Facebook with bitter complaints about the weather because they had snow.  Didn’t the Powers That Be know that it was April 15 already??

  Here in Central Massachusetts, it was a nasty day yesterday but it was warmish so it rained all day and the wind was blowing like a son of a gun.  I thought that that was going to be the worst of it.  I wasn’t expecting snow.  But there it was staring me in the face at 3:30 a.m.  I didn’t lose sleep over it.  These late snow storms are ephemeral and really more like April showers than snow.  They don’t even make the flowers that are trying like heck to come up complain much.  But, here is what it looked like when Olive and I went for our walk this morning:

Looking out the window a little later, I saw that most of the snow was gone.  I went out and took a few snaps of the lonely flowers that are growing in our yard.  They looked a little down-hearted, but I think they will survive.  I suppose that that is the good news.

The bad news is that I felt like I had to put on socks today.  Oh, snap!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that second photo is just GORGEOUS.. love it and i had to put on socks for a couple of hours this morning. we dropped from 86 last night to 57 at wake up, talk about weird.. but it is hot now.. and no socks

TexWisGirl said...

i LOVE that 2nd photo! the red home, the stone wall, the snow and trees! wow!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful captures!

Brian King said...

Gorgeous photos! I really like the red house in the second shot!

Gail Dixon said...

The poor flowers. At least they are alive. Despite the cold, your photos are wonderful. I had to wear socks today, too! It was in the 30s, highly unusual for the deep south. Winter, go away!!!

Barb said...

Well, at least the flowers got moisture. (I'm trying to find the silver lining!) it's so cold where I live that socks are a way of life.

Pamela Gordon said...

Haha. Back in socks again. It did the same thing here this morning and stuck pretty good most of the day. Going down way below freezing tonight too. Love that red house through the trees. Stay warm.

Debbie said...

Bright beautiful light in these images barb!! oohhhh no, socks, booooo!!!

Lynn said...

beautiful shots, those spring flowers need socks as well...

magda said...

Αγαπητή μου φίλη
Και στα δικά μας τα βουνά χιόνισε!!!
Σου εύχομαι καλό Πάσχα με υγεία και χαρά!
Πολλά φιλιά

Sharon Haney said...

It's a sock morning in Texas too! Cozy little (?) knit sock booties make my feet happy.

Sharon Haney said...

It's a sock morning in Texas too! Cozy little (?) knit sock booties make my feet happy.

Unknown said...

Beautiful contrasts and colors...we are quite cool..but no snow, but the woodstove is still employed

Oh snap...LOL!

Nicki said...

I'm a day late and a dollar short on getting to this post - hopefully all that nasty white stuff is behind you and you are sock free. :)