Sunday, November 30, 2014

Black and White Inspiration…

My daughter tagged me on Facebook to do a Black and White Photo Challenge a little while ago.  The challenge was to post a black and white photo every day for five days.  When she first tagged me, I simply didn’t have enough time to get it done.  I wasn’t spending much time with my camera or my computer except for mostly “work” related things, but I put it in the back of my mind and determined to get to it.  And I did and will post the five photos today.

When I first saw the tag, I kind of cringed internally because I really didn’t have time for it, but ultimately I was glad for the tag.  It got me out with my camera and thinking about what to do during this kind of difficult time between fall and real winter when things outside are rather dull.  I have found over the years that if you look hard enough, there is always something interesting to be seen.  But the simple practice of inspiration is often not that easy to come by and a little push is appreciated.

So starting in January (or maybe before), I think I might embark on a Fifty-two Week photo project.  Problem is I am not sure what theme I want to go with.  I did one a few years back when I took a Purple Monkey with me everywhere and got him into all sorts of situations.  He’s here on my Flickr site.  But what to do next…  If you have a suggestion, I’m more than willing to consider it.  Meanwhile, I am going to do my best to not let the hype of the Season get me down.

Yes, I'm bad at math, but I do know there are more than five photos here.  There are a couple of rejects amongst them.


TexWisGirl said...

love the tree and fence shot. classic!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that bell and icicles... beautiful black and white. when you said you took a purple monkey i thought WHAT? how could you do that for a year. then i went to your link and the monkey photos are AWESOME.. i love them all... what a super idea... can't wait to see what you come up with.. sorry i don't have an idea, i am a snap daily life as it happens so can't think of a single thing.

Brian King said...

Nicely done! The second and third are my favorites! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

I can totally see these in those black frames with generous white matts creating a story on a wall i somene's home...I love black and white and I guess you either do or you dont. I remember Purple Monkey...that cheeky guy ;)

Nicki said...

The tree and the fence - oh my! I am so darn glad we haven't had that weather yet and am crossing everything possible that we avoid frozen for a little longer. You may have a reject or two - but you also have some true keepers here. I hear ya on the nudge to get the ole creative juices flowing. My sister tagged me in the FB black/white challenge - I only participated to the point I didn't have to nominate anyone else. I don't mind being challenged but hate the 'chain letter' aspect of nominating.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

These are exquisite! I love the one with the tree and fence post. Trees in the fall and wintertime fascinate me with their beauty.

I've never done a photo challenge, but it would certainly help motivate me to keep getting out the camera.

NatureStop said...

Greetings from Dubai!Well I too completed the black and white series on FB and realized how difficult it is to bring life to the black and white pics and truly yours is lovely! Really enjoyed going through your blog. Have a great week ahead!


RobertN said...

Wonderful series!
Best regards!

Pamela Gordon said...

A challenge of a photo a week for the year sounds interesting. I love your B&W photos especially #'s 3, 4 and 5. I like your header photo too.

Debbie said...

oohhhhh they are just gorgeous, I don't see any rejects here????

Susan said...

These are just lovely!

Gail Dixon said...

Awesome b&w shots, Barbara! I peeked at your purple monkey project and they are so cleverly done. I did a 365 one year and 52 week the next year. I enjoyed the 52 week project because there was less pressure. I never thought to make a theme of it. Hmmmm....